Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hope ya know, we had a hard time. :)

So we drove back to Boise yesterday. And almost died. We somehow managed to get all of our belongings in two carloads to my uncle Jeff's and Mike's aunt's house, and then we headed up to Boise. But as soon as we left South Jordan, we totally hit this enormous snow storm! I mean, we were going like 25 mph, and there were cars hitting the walls on the freeway, and people losing control, and it took us like 2 hours to go from Bountiful to Ogden. It was crazy.
We didn't get to Boise until seven, which was too late to go to Emma and Sarah's ballet, so we had our tickets switched for tonight, when we get to go see them. Maybe I'll actually do my hair and wear make-up (first time in a week and a half) to go see them. It will be fun! :)
In other news, it's totally snowy here in Boise. I can't remember the last time there was snow here that lasted for more than four hours. It's AWESOME.
But want to know what is even MORE AWESOME? I'm totally GETTING MARRIED IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!! . . . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay. I'm good now.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Who gets Mono right before their wedding?!?!?!

So, I've had a sore throat for about a week now, and it's all swollen and gross and whatnot, so Mike took me up to the health center. A-doctors = not a fun experience, and B- when she looked at my throat, she immediately didn't think it was strep. So she swabbed my throat and sent me to the lab with the swab and had me get a blood test. Turns out it's not strep. Turns out it's mononucleosis. So the first thing Mike says is, "well, that explains why you've been really tired all the time." NOT appreciated. I'm trying to wallow in my misery here.
But it will be okay. I'm pretty sure the fact that he was dead tired ALL the time over the summer and had a mild sore throat and lots of stomach aches meant he had it then, and gave it to me. So he won't get it again. And on Friday when he gave me a blessing it said I would be well for the wedding, and I have complete and total faith in it, so I guess I will be better.
Just no contact sports for now. :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sssssshhhh, don't tell anybody. I'm at work right now.

But I got kicked out of my office. I'm totally bumming. I mean, I'm usually bumming when I have to work in the majors lab instead of my lovely corner office with a rolling chair and a window and my very own set of sticky notes...
But today it started snowing, hard. I'm totally psyched, and I don't even get to watch it. It's rather not very fun.
But in other news, this is the last Monday of classes until January. I'm perfectly thrilled. Thursday is the last day of classes, Friday and Saturday are reading days (they just started making Saturdays count as reading days--I think it's the worst idea ever. They should have given us Thursday) and then we have a week of finals--a week from Friday I'll be driving back to Boise to get married!!! Woo! I'm pretty excited.
I do have a lot to do though. I have a few papers due this week, mostly the big fat final papers that the profs want to have graded by next week, and then I have all written finals because I'm an English major and I'm awesome. The worse part of this is the Commonplace Book I have to write for my Brit Lit class on Thursday. I was supposed to be writing it all semester, but I only have six pages because I've been planning my wedding instead. :S I figure, once I get past the Commonplace Book, it'll be downhill. I'm not worried about any of my finals. Oh well.
Other Other news--all of campus is covered in Christmas decorations, all the stores and everything are playing Christmas music, and everything feels Christmas-y. Including my throat. I've totally got the Finals Week. (It's a known illness around here. Everybody gets sick over Finals Week). I just hope I get over it by the time I get would not be fun to be sick on my wedding day...:S
Right now I'm working in the Stats Majors Lab, where everybody else in the room is speaking Math and doing huge assignments on Excel because they have to use Statistics to figure out the meaning of the universe. I, on the other hand, am worried about the African-American literature paper I'm about to hand in in a couple hours. I don't speak Math. I speak Literature Analysis. True.
Well, I probably ought to get back to Sidney Rigdon and his apostate musings about prayer and the Holy Ghost and Revelation (that he stopped believing in...). It's probably the most depressing thing of all. Sad.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I am now a legal voting resident of the State of Utah.

And you want to know why? Because the blankety-blank State of Idaho summoned me for jury duty two days after my wedding. Yeah. I was PLANNING on being on MY HONEYMOON, duh! And they're just malicious. So I very vengefully went and registered to vote in Utah County. So they can't make me. Even if they tried. Muaha.

In other news, we've been sending announcements. You (whoever you are) will probably get one soon? If you're on the list. And considering how the only people who read my blog are, like, Mike, Lexi, and my mother, you're probably either on the list or marrying me (in the case of Mike). So, yeah.

In other other news, I went and saw the Twilight movie this last weekend while we were in Boise. I don't mean to offend any young, optimistic, Edward Cullen- or Jacob Black-devoted readers who fell in love with the film, but I was incredibly unimpressed. #1, I think I'm becoming more and more disillusioned with that whole pop culture wave as I am pretty much ingrained into my own reality, which might be a little better than swooning over some guy who could suck all my blood out and turn me into a cold, empty corpse. Cough cough. and #2, that movie was not very well made. The acting was really awkward--Robert Pattinson was speaking American like he was in pain the whole time, and they didn't even spend the time to fall in love before they were all, like, "irrevocably in love". She sounded very thoroughly like a teenage girl with her first boyfriend. Mike keeps making fun of his lines--"you're like my own personal brand of heroine"--just because they were not very well-put-together. And the whole movie seemed like it was being filmed on somebody's shoulder. I got kind of dizzy.

I'm terribly sorry, all of you. I just had to get it out of my system. I still love you, just...not...Twilight. I'm sorry.

In other other other news, I'm getting married in 26 days. (!!!!!!!!!!). I can hardly stand it.