#1 - Unless you want to experience projectile poop, get the clean diaper ready before you even open the dirty one. I'm serious. Mike has discovered that she has a range upward of two feet.
#2 - On a similar note, put the burp rag on your shoulder BEFORE you pick up the freshly fed baby. Just trust me on this.
#3 - Katie likes foot rubs, but definitely not ear rubs. Oh no, she does not like ear rubs. And she will tell you.
#4 - I really think my baby is going to be a soprano.
#5 - If you let the bottomless pit eat as much as she thinks she needs to, she will promptly throw it up all over you and the floor and the couch and the husband . . . and then need to start all over again. Pacifiers are a safe and happy invention for the child who is addicted to sucking.
#6 - BREASTFEEDING IS THE BEST DIET EVER!! I have lost thirty pounds since the morning they induced me. That's ten pounds of Katie plus placenta, and the rest is all me! I feel super great! (Now I just need to get rid of that nasty bit of stretchmark-covered extra skin on my belly . . . )
#7 - You have to choose your battles--deal with trying to keep those dag-blasted socks on her hands, or deal with the little scratch marks all over your neck. (Usually I give up and let her scratch me, because it's a wild bet. But sometimes when she's nursing, those little nails get to particularly sensitive places, if you know what I mean . . . yech. That hurts.)
#8 - The nurse wasn't kidding who said that all the new and weird stuff happened as soon as your mom left. I'm serious. I had another freak out. ("I broke my baby! I'm a horrible mother!")
Mike is a very patient man.
#9 - Sometimes showering is definitely optional.
#10 - The way to have a healthy diet is to have the relief society bring you dinner. Seriously--we haven't had such well-balanced meals since . . . ever!
#11 - I really gotta get my baby off of the wake-up-at-eight-and-go-back-to-sleep-at-midnight routine. But until I do, naps are highly recommended. And quite delightful.
#12 - Diaper rash ointment smells like really old people. Which means my baby has started smelling like really old people. No offense to any really old people who may chance upon my blog.
#13 - Newborn-sized clothing doesn't apply to babies who take after their fathers and become ridiculously long-legged in the first week of life. Seriously. The kid's already gained almost two inches.
#14 - Sometimes, in the middle of the night, when your baby starts crying right after you put her down and you're exhausted so it makes you start to cry as well . . . husbands are really great. Especially mine. He just tells me to calm down and then he goes and puts the baby back to sleep. I love you, Mike.
I think that's all for now. I will add more when they appear. Meanwhile, here's a pretty great picture of how cute my baby is. (But probably the last time in the monkey feet . . . see lesson 13 . . . sigh . . .)