So I rode the train to Salt Lake with my family today. They drove down yesterday and picked me up from my uncle's house in American Fork where I had been for Easter weekend and brought me back to Provo for classes, but I skipped three out of five yesterday so I could hang out with them. Let me tell you. The train is really a crazy thing. There are even scarier people on that train than there are on UTA buses. And that's saying something. Well, as we pull into the last station in Sandy after the trip, the lovely lady's automated voice over the intercom announces, "Sandy Civic Center. This is the last stop. The end of the line. This is as far as we go." Can you be any more thorough? She should have added, "Everyone get off the train now."
Well, it was a party. I was totally playing hooky, and we totally had fun. We went up and took actual, honest-to-goodness tours of Temple Square and the Conference Center, since none of us had had a real tour in a billion years. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Most of it consisted of my parents and I oohing and aahing over the original Arnold Friberg paintings and the natural Utah landscape on the roof of the Conference Center and Parker counting pipes on all the organs, while everyone else stared vacantly at either ceiling or floor and periodically straightened their necks to whine about how hungry they were. It was great!
After all that business, the Whiting clan terrorized the Sandy Olive Garden, wiping out their entire supply of breadsticks and crayons in one blow. It was so good. We had gone in there starving, and by the time we got our meals, we were almost stuffed. It was great. Then we went and stormed my uncle's house one last time so my mom could visit her brother and actually get to talk to him. So basically, we had very intriguing conversation about killing chickens, how to get a pink mohawk to actually stay straight up, and why only really good comedy musicians can perform. I think my family is awesome. Now my parents have a copy of the game, the Great Delmuti. You should all ask to borrow it. It is AWESOME.
Well, now my sisters are preparing to sleep on my floor. They're sleeping over tonight and probably sleeping in while I'm in class tomorrow. Then they get to buy my groceries. Not even kidding. I get to get something good out of this deal!
Well, I'm off to shower. My hair is wonderful, but needs to be washed. I think I'll post a picture up with this post of my incredibly shorn rockstar hair that I have recently acquired. And when I say shorn rockstar hair, i'm not exaggerating. It's freakin' tight. Seriously. My awesome friend Brooke came over one day, sat me down in my kitchen, and started snippin'. The end result: I AM AWESOME. Now I just need some neon green highlights. Or maybe I'll dye the whole thing blue and pink. I haven't decided yet.
Love you all!
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