I'm officially creating a contest. It's called:
"Create a list of really crazy things that can be done in Provo with at least two people, preferably three or more"
I'm seriously bored, guys. I can sports it out, but what do you do at night? Somebody think of something that's not movies.
This is now a contest. Whoever wins gets...well, probably my serious gratitude and devotion, and maybe a hug upon my return to wherever y'all are.
Yesterday, I slept for six hours after my breakfast shift at the MTC simply because I was so bored. I have a couple of friends whose apartments have officially become mine because they said I could crash when bored, but I need things to do. Seriously.
Now brainstorm, people. And give me some lists.
you should hang out with you uber duber cool roommate. And go on date--A LOT of them.
ice cream is always good....just buy a carton and make ice creams culptures--I just really like ice cream!
Have a dance party, email Lexi, ponder the mysteries of the universe, make cool playlists on iTunes, watch House episodes on the Internet, paint your toe nails (GIRLS NIGHT!), go shopping...window shopping if you're on a college student budget, play ULTIMATE FRIZBEE in a park, swing on swings, play card/board (or bored) games, write poems with a group of people (one line per person!), draw pictures of each other if your in a group, make/eat food, play baseball, read the dictionary...ok my ideas are running out. Especially with the last one. But I'm pretty sure I win.
nice job with the list, Lexi!
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