Monday, June 8, 2009

The Brother

Directed by: me!
Starring (in order of appearance): 

Music: Mendelssohn's "Venetian Gondolier's Song"

I'm pretty sure the menu will be this cute pic I have of the two boys in their 1904 outfits. And if I add credits, it'll be the post-production pic of Sammy when he dressed up in a reflective orange vest, tied at the waist into a dress, and an '80's bike cap turned sideways. It was awesome.

Please tell me what you think!


JenniferB said...

That was so cool Brittany! I love it -- what was your inspiration?

Mom said...

they are such cute boys aren't they?!? Tell Mike I think he was just perfect! And just as cute as Sam. :-) Emma loved it too!

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

You and Mike both did a great job. I was especially impressed with the camera work.

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

You and Mike both did a great job. I was especially impressed with the camera work.

Sarah Lita said...

brittany that was the most amazing thing ever!!!!!!! you should make like credits or something.