Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I get to brag because Mike's not here to stop me.

BRAG: Mike totally had an official interview with the Provo Manager for Kaplan today. And apparently it went well.
Back-track: Because he did so ridiculously well on the MCAT, Kaplan (the people from whom he took his test prep class) invited him to audition for a teaching position. Thus, a couple weeks ago, he went over to Kaplan for a teaching audition. They said he could teach anything, so long as it was non-academic, and it had to be less than five minutes. So he decided to teach them how to build a snow-cave. He rehearsed it for me a couple of times (using our little refridgerator whiteboard) and he did a pretty good job, but I think he did even better when he actually got there (I don't think my snarky comments were helping him stay serious much).
Anyways, there were a couple of other guys there, one for DAT prep courses, and one other guy for MCAT prep courses--and the latter happened to be his old roommate from when we were engaged, Aaron. First thing Aaron said when he saw Mike was, "Hey, Mike! . . . You've gained a lot of weight!" To which Mike replied "uh . . . thank you." Apparently it's a good thing. Aaron taught about how to serve a racquetball and the DAT guy taught about surfing, and apparently they all did really well, because each thought the others did better than he did, and I know at least Mike and Aaron passed with flying colors and had interviews today. (I dunno, we don't keep in touch with the DAT guy. :)
So during my lunch hour Mike modeled his suit jackets for me to see which one fit him best, approved his choice of tie, and at 2 went to his interview. Apparently it went really well, but that's all I know because then he went straight to his hospital volunteer job. Yeah, rolling patients to the CT scanner! Woo!
Yeah, I'm pretty much bubbling with pride. He's pretty great.


Anonymous said...

I think you have free bragging rights and we appreciate the info! Sure hope he gets the job! I'm sure your "snarky" comments help prepare him! Hugs, Mom M

Mom W said...

that is so great for him. hope it comes through. how soon do you two start classes? thanks for sharing the info.

Janelle said...

Nice use of the word snarky.

MomW said...