Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Did I Even Get Here?

Tonight our family home evening activity was shopping. Furniture shopping. BABY furniture shopping. That's right. We officially own a beautiful espresso-finished (but it looks more like cherry) crib and changing table. I totally went on a cleaning the house rampage on Saturday, which resulted even in cleaning out the fridge with 409, but included getting the baby's room clean (finally!) which means we had to go shopping. We had no choice.
We went to, like, six different stores before we ended up at RC Willey and found their children's furniture. Just when we found the most perfect changing table ever, guess which song came on? My favorite song from my most favorite band of all time--"Faithfully" by Journey. It was a sign.
Really though? We fell in love with that set almost as soon as we walked in and saw it. And for every other piece of furniture we'd looked at, we had to be like, "well, I like this, but I liked this on the other one better . . . " Yeah. Not the case.
The hardest part about buying our furniture was tracking down a salesperson. Unfortunately for us, college students in their twenties are not typically targets for furniture salespeople. Every single one we saw was trailing an older couple around the sofas and dining sets. But when we did find one, he was super nice--not pushy--and recommended the crib we had already chosen because his wife is having a baby in December and they picked the same one. Totally perfect. Mike gets to pick it up tomorrow (they have them in stock in Salt Lake and a truck comes down every morning with the previous day's orders).
So besides purchasing physical evidence of my impending mommy-hood, I also just clicked "add" on my one and only VERY LAST class at BYU. Seriously. As of thirty seconds ago, I have finished registering for the entirety of my academic career. I've got the jibblies so hard it's putting the "EEEEEEEE" in WEEEEEEEEIIIIIIRRRRDDDD!!!!! Mike is only a little bit jealous.
Yeah, a lot of things have been sinking in recently. Such as owning furniture for the baby, and having a belly that's actually big enough for me to spill food on it, and completely finishing my education. I'm really (for REAL) going to be a mother very soon, and my life will be dictated by someone who's not a professor but has WAY more power over me. This is going to be so great. :)
Oh! and maybe I'll post pictures of our new baby room after Mike gets his manly on and builds all the furniture.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

how unfair is it that all those time I tried to get you kids to listen to Journey you shut me down because it was old and now you claim it is your favorite band of all time!?! that is okay, at least now we can both enjoy it. And motherhood. and new baby furniture. and manly husbands. and even your cute belly you can spill food on (wow, i did a lot of that). It is amazing how quickly the time has gone by for you to finish school. can you even imagine NOT being in school? I am so happy for you!!! I am praying for you and hoping you are feeling excellent and happy.
Love you,