Monday, November 22, 2010

To My Adoring Fans :)

#1- I never imagined I would get such an overwhelming response to my comment about Mike and my mom. That was kinda funny and really self-esteem boosting. Thanks guys. :D

#2- Is it Wednesday yet? (When I finally finish work for the week and we drive to Thanksgiving)

#3- We may have secretly gone out and bought a stroller/car seat thingy one night last week instead of being responsible and doing homework. It's really cute though. And Mike got all manly to build it. Not to mention super overprotective-new-dad on me. ("You read all the reviews? This is the safest one?") One of these days I'll take pictures of Katie's room and put them up here.

#4- Is it January yet?


Aunt Jennifer said...

I know you are having a wonderful time in Idaho with your family -- I hope you know how much you are loved!

Cynthia said...

sheesh! futurmoviestar is always logged in and hogging the stuff... I am glad you guys are home safe and your Katie will be safe, too. Now we are just waiting to meet her and passing the time with some Nutcracker.

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Kinda surprised you didn't write about your marathon drives this weekend. Guess somethings you want to put out of your mind! Thank Heavens you were kept safe!
Mom M