Monday, December 20, 2010


A totally epic blog post for Christmas. You should be excited.

Also, it has been snowing big, heavy snowflakes since before I woke up this morning (and I woke up early because work starts at 8). Blech. Heaven help anybody who waited until today to leave Provo.

Maybe I should take some pictures of myself now that I'm so pregnant people actually gasp when they see me. That would be cool.


Cynthia said...

yes, we love pictures!!!

Cynthia said...

And I can't wait for the epic blog post. I was so busy until this week that I missed all your other posts until today. I feel like I missed out.
We are super duper excited so make sure you keep us posted about every development. :D
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Big Beautiful snowflakes...sounds heavenly! Been too busy to read just like your momma, guess I'm in good company!

Anonymous said...

ANY new news your way?!!!