Monday, January 10, 2011

No, I haven't had a baby yet.

When I quit my job and turned all domestic, Mike told me I wasn't allowed to be one of those blogger moms who spends all her time on her blog and not with her family. Unfortunately, I have a little less than nothing to do but wait for Katie to decide to GET BORN! Come on, kid!

The first week of school was rather uneventful. Last Monday was my last day at work, and it was super weird. I tried to wrap up my work and leave notes and stuff explaining myself to everyone, and then . . . I left. I've only been called a couple of times for help with various things, and my interaction with campus has been extremely limited. Meaning, I've only been there twice in the last week and only to the JKB, which is on the northernmost end of campus (meaning I didn't go anywhere else or even pass another building).

Things I've learned in my first week of homemaker being my official occupation:
  1. When you're nine months pregnant, you can afford to not feel any guilt about sleeping in until noon every day. Seriously, though. When we started this whole business, I felt guilty about Mike getting up and going to work and school all day while I sat at home. But then I realized that as soon as Katie's born, I will NEVER SLEEP IN AGAIN. So I refuse to feel guilt.
  2. I never can get as many things done as I plan on. When I started this, I was like, "yeah, I'll be so productive it will hurt!" Yeah, right.
  3. I'm really bad at being home alone. Seriously. Mike's gone 8-5 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 9-after my class on Tuesday and Thursday, and I sit there waiting impatiently for him to get home. I hope this will change when there's a Katie. I figure I just don't like being alone. And Katie will count as a person. So when she's here, I won't be alone.
  4. As an appendage to the last one, I'm really bad at letting Mike do his homework when he gets home, because I spent all day missing him. I guess I could do homework, since technically I have some, but I don't. I just do my best to distract Mike away from biochemistry so that he'll pay attention to me.
There are other things I've learned, which don't merit a number of their own. For example: it's really easy to not shower until three in the afternoon, it's much more fun to people watch during the day, it's much easier to sit in Katie's room and stare eagerly at the crib than it is to do anything productive, and it's super super super easy to not do anything but sit on the couch and sleep on and off.

Do you think I'll learn how to function again when I'm a mommy and not an extremely pregnant woman?


Crystal said...

I know you will hate me for saying this but babies come when they are ready. The time may seem slow now but as soon as she is born the time will fly by. Believe me! My baby girl just turned 15!!! I love your philosophy. Sleep in all you want now. I totally agree. I hope everything goes well for you and Mike!!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! There is a new blog from you! I've been waiting and hoping and waiting! Much like you for Katie to arrive. Okay, actually not at all like waiting for Katie to arrive! But I've been wondering how life is going etc. I think you could enter a blog everyday until she comes! (hint hint)Katie just must want a b-day not quite so close to Christmas! YES you will feel human and useful and entergetic etc once she is born. Well, depending on how much Katie sleeps. Hang in there! and remember Mike MUST study! ;-)! Luv you Mum

Cynthia said...

hey, cutie girl, let that husband of your do his homework! don't you want him to be able to take care of you in the manner to which you want to become accustomed? JK! You should be stitching, crocheting, mending, painting, or writing something that will help you always remember this time. It is true that this is you last free time all to yourself ever. :-) I have never really been very good at being all by myself, either, unless I have a good book or a Big sewing project.
Can't wait to meet the little pixie!! We are thinking about you 24/7. we pray for you in the morning, at breakfast, in the field, in the closet, in the get the idea.
Loveyou tons!!!

Cynthia said...

or bundle up your head and hands and feet and walk. I logged miles trying to convince you it was time...

Aunt Jennifer said...

Hey girlie! I am sorry to say that after talking to your Mom yesterday I think you have a pregnancy more like mine. I am VERY sorry for you, for that fact. But just know that it will pass, she will be born, and you and Mike will fall madly in love with her -- YES -- even more than you are now! I second Cindy's comment about doing your "crafty" business now too -- you won't have time for a long, long time and just remember that we are all praying for you!