Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Two and a half months my foot, Mommy. I'm outta here!

So, everywhere that is medical that has to do with babies (such as the hospital, Katie's pediatrician, and the health dept where she got her immunizations) gives us some kind of milestones chart we're supposed to follow to see if our baby is developing properly.

Please note: I'm about to brag incessantly. My baby is a super genius.

Also please note: she's two and a half months old. Ten weeks. Not even three months.

Here are the milestones for three months: rolls to side, props herself up when on her tummy, inspects fingers, brings hands to mouth, reaches for parents, follows objects, regards toys.

Guess how many of these she has met? Yeah, all of them.

Here are some milestones for four months that Katie has already met: clutches at clothes, plays with rattle, reaches persistently, holds onto breast, mouths objects, stares longer at new faces than familiar ones, shakes rattle.

Yeah, she's way too smart. Also, she can hold her weight when standing up. She just hasn't figured out the balance thing yet.


Crystal said...

Yes, I agree you do have a genius on your hands. She is so cute!! I love your posts. You are Mike are great parents!! Watching you helps me remember how it was with my Britni. :) There are times that I need to remember that. :)

Anonymous said...

Well after all her parents are "Majoring in Genius!" Keep enjoying!MomM

Cynthia said...

how could she help being a genius?!?! She has genius genes. Miss you tons! Wish Mike all the best finishing this last semester! And hug little Miss Katie for me. I will pray for her (and her mommy) to get well quickly.