Well, it's official. We are HOMELESS (being defined as without a home) (because living with my parents doesn't strictly count). I should probably get a cardboard sign and hang out on the median at a major intersection. If I brought Katie, we could make BANK.
The following photo is very important, as it was the second-to-last photo taken at our old apartment. (The very last photo is not going to be disclosed on account of I'm making a weird face.)
This is the very large truck and trailor my dad drove down to help us. When we were on the phone, we were picturing a very extra large trailor, and my dad didn't think we'd be able to fill it up at all with our stuff. Well, it's full to the back, and we had to stick our couch in the bed of the truck (the poor old thing is in the Utah County landfill now).
Katie, on the whole, was rather patient with her poor parents over the several days of homelessness and driving. (Ps- Kudos to awesome cousin Josh who let us have his room the night after we moved out and had no home. Love you, Josh.) But I will say that by the end of the 8 1/2-hour drive to Boise (we had to stop a lot for gas for the truck and food for the Katie) she was slightly tired of her car seat.
STAY TUNED for part two of the "what the heck are the Morgans going to do with their lives" series!
we miss you guys already! good luck changing the world!
Yeah, you are here!!
That is such a cute picture of Katie!! I guess that means we're homeless too :) So exciting! And lets be honest... it was definitely time for your couch to go! I'm so excited to be blog buddies!!
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