Last night I turned over a new leaf.
Yesterday, I went to the doctor. Don't be alarmed, it was a normal exam. They took my blood pressure, went over my (quite extensive) family medical history, poked and prodded me, and told me I was fat. Which is something I know very well, in fact. (And don't listen to Mike, he thinks I was putting words in their mouths. But really? The doctor is the only person who can tell you you're fat and you listen. This particular one just wasn't very tactful.)
So? I've decided to yank that leaf out of the book and start over (forget that 'turning over' business. That was just for your attention).
And thus? Brittany's Weight Loss Thermometer OF SCIENCE! was born! (Yay!)
It measures my number of pounds less than my starting weight I am. And don't ask me what my starting weight is. Because I won't tell you.
And do you know what my new regimen is? NOT SNACKING. Snacking is my downfall. I love to just munch. It's awful. So, I'm going to do other things, like pilates and quilting. Yes, I know those two are unrelated. The point is that I'm going to stay busy so I don't think about snacking. And some of it will be physical activity to (finally!) get rid of my post-baby belly.
Besides doing some actual exercise (who knew?) I am now limited to eating like Katie. Yes, the kid is like a black hole for anything that's a food. But everything she eats is healthy. Remember that picture from her birthday where she wanted to leave the chocolate cupcake alone and go play? That's it.
So I'm going to have more veggies and yogurt and less of . . . that other stuff that I really wish I could be eating right now. You know, the kind with lots of sugar and butter and salt and delicious carbs and fat? Mmmmmm . . .
And it actually does help that everything that is edible (and a significant number of things that are not) is called "apple" by Katie. (Kind of like how every animal she isn't sure about says "Moo," including but not limited to cows, sheep, goats, cats, some birds, lizards, fish, Mommy . . . )
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