Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!, also a Photo Recap (Courtesy of my new camera)

You were all beginning to despair of me ever putting pictures up again, weren't you? Well, I am doing it now. The fact is, I've been running around panting like an over-excited puppy, clicking at everything and everyone.

Okay, not really. But pretty close.

Here is a summary (in pictures) of what I've been doing ever since I got my new camera. Enjoy.

My little baby sister going to prom! Aaah! Dress courtesy of St. Vincent de Paul thriftstore + my mom, Hair courtesy of Me.

This is the back of her hair. Not bad, if I do say so myself.  

Sarah and her date. And you can see more of the dress my mom fixed up.

Katie has recently discovered that she really enjoys the trampoline. Part of me is terrified, and part of me is very happy that she is not a super-wimp like her mama. 

Remember when I told you about her towel game? The one where she liked to throw a towel over her head and then giggle hysterically and run around the room blindly? Well, it's only gotten more exciting. I call her my little ghosty.

Recognize those jammies, anybody? Mom? Gram?  

This picture is important. Very. Want to know why? It is proof that Katie is capable of going down the stairs by herself. She scoots on her bum singing "wee!" the entire time. Am I surprised? Not in the least.

Ahah! The big girl car seat! She was just too uncomfortable in her baby car seat. Her little legs were all scrunched up and she was not having fun anymore. But want to hear a secret? She's not 20 pounds yet. She's super tall, but still a little skinny twig baby.

This is Parker. Well, kind of. He's in the middle of that somewhere. His position on his rugby team was "hooker." Baha! Um, I mean, did I say that out loud? (He prefers to just call himself the "hook.") 

I know what you're thinking. Brittany posting a picture of herself? What? Well, I am. Because I've lost almost 12 pounds since January and I got a haircut last weekend. The haircut is what is being displayed. (And it's a one-time thing. Don't expect to see me all over the place here. 'Cause it ain't gonna happen.)

These are my oriental lilies. They grow in my kitchen. I have four (well, kind of) potted plants, and they are  very good at making me happy and relaxed. My lilies decided to bloom just this week, and besides being absolutely gorgeous, they also smell really lovely and are filling the house with their lovely perfume. 

This is Emma. You probably know that, but I'm freaked out by it. She's a big kid. Like, seriously. My baby sister is all grown-up looking and stylish.

This is my beautiful mother. She is amazing. She is kind, patient, long-suffering, clever, funny, beautiful, smart, talented, creative, loving, devoted, sensitive, and the best mom anybody could ever hope for. When she sees this list, she's going to laugh and call me a silly girl, then proceed to say that those words describe her children, not her. I'm here to say that even if we do get to claim one or two of those adjectives, how could we have gotten them if she hadn't shown us her example? Mom, you're the best. Don't think you're anything else. Happy Mother's Day.

Below are the photos we used to make Mother's Day cards for Katie's grandmas. I DARE you not to ooh and aah at how incredibly ridiculously adorable she is. (Also, the white things in her mouth are marshmallows. The photo shoot would not have happened without bribery.)

Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful life! Thanks for sharing. MomM

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

Hooray for pictures!!! That sweet little niece of mine just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Also your haircut looks great. Thanks for sharing!

Cynthia said...

Sarah, check out the point in the little foot in the last picture!! Brittany, you gush too much, but thanks. It is a great picture of your fabulous new hair - very flattering!

Cynthia said...

also, if you look at the rugby picture, you can see Parker's red cleat in front of the white team.