Monday, August 6, 2012

The cutest thing you have EVER seen.

Okay, so I put this up on a family website, but I have had protests that it needs to be available to other branches of family and also people to whom we are not strictly related. So here it is.

Note: there is one point where Mike and I totally aren't connecting what she's trying to say, so we just kind of wait for her to move on to something we understand. It has since been deduced that she says she needs to "rinse."



Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this here for us none facebook people! so yucky cute! MomM

Chelsea said...

That is so HILARIOUS! Don't you just love kids!

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

So Cute! My kids were both so excited to see Katie and this time it was Abby saying "Katie, Katie"