Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nobody hold your breath.

Because, apparently, I'm not actually having babies any time soon. More on this later.

You should know, just in case you're one of those people who only ever checks on here for pictures, that I don't have any today. I'll probably have a couple next week, but since I'm all, you know, stuck on the couch, I don't get much picture taking opportunity. There will be funny things and whining and talking about the babies, but no pictures. Just be warned.

First, Katie is hilarious. You probably already know this.

So, I'm currently at the doctor twice a week for non-stress tests, so we spend a significant amount of time there. And, because Katie does NOT like the exam rooms or seeing the actual doctor, my mom usually hangs out with her in the awesome kid-oriented waiting room while Mike and I go in to my appointments (because my husband is awesome and uses his lunch breaks to come to the doctor with me).

So, one of my appointments last week was relatively early for us (this is not saying much, because Katie and I are neither early risers nor fast at getting ready once we're awake). I was dressed and cute, but we couldn't get Katie to get ready before we had to leave, so she came in her jammies with a snack cup full of dry cereal and a sippy of milk (they work separately too, you know). While we were waiting for my appointment, my mom made some comment about how ragamuffin-ey Katie looked coming to the doctor with her jammies and bed head.

Katie replied, "Don't think about it, Grandma."

Fast forward to yesterday, when we were about to head out to the doctor. Because I'm pretty much on bed rest, and can't do much besides sit on the couch and go to the doctor, going to the doctor is a big deal. I wear cute jeans and put on mascara and actually wear earrings and stuff, just because I'm leaving the house. Well, yesterday when I was coming down the stairs after getting ready, Katie looked up from her giant pile of stories and said in an awe-struck whisper, "Mom, you look beautiful."

I almost cried.

Then she called my bed frame (which has sharpie on it) beautiful in the same tone. Also several of her dollies. So, um, yay?

Okay, one more. Many of you may know the Rihanna "Diamonds" song, in which she says in a slightly silly (maybe just in my opinion) voice, "shine bright like a diamond!" Well, when this song came out my little sisters were singing it all the time. Like, all the time. So much that now the "shine bright like a diamond!" part makes everyone groan and make gagging noises and such of that nature.

Well, the other day we were in the car with Katie and we pulled up to an intersection where the sun was in Katie's face. She put her hands over her face to block it, then started saying "shine bright like a diamond! Shine bright like a diamond!"

Mike and I almost died. And then we gave my sisters quite a hard time.

Now for some whining. Mostly just an update on the boys, but I'm cranky about it.

I have told you before that my boys are enormous, right? Because they are. Even for singletons, they're big for how far along we are. This is awesome, because it means that now that we're 35 weeks, they're pretty much past the NICU phase except for brief observation. Smaller babies would probably still be at risk, but my boys are more likely to be all healthy and stuff already.

This is fun for them, not for me. I have blisters popping up around my belly because my skin is being stretched so hard. I was doing relatively well for stretch marks this time around, until my skin ran out of elasticity and now is shiny even before I put lotion or baby oil on it. It kind of stings.

Also, it hurts if I don't have my belly resting on something because these boys are so heavy. The boogers.

So, last Thursday at the doctor, we got all excited because Baby A (the one on the bottom) was head-down. I had been sure there was no room for him to flip and was kind of resigned to planning on a C-section, but somehow he did it. And there was much rejoicing.

Then, yesterday, guess what? BREACH. The little booger. Also, I'm not dilated at all. So all these tons of contractions I've been having for months now have been all for naught. Like, completely. I'm not even close to going into labor, and my boys are being non-cooperative even if they're big and healthy.

So, in a fit of rebellion, I went to the Hobby Lobby after my doctor appointment to get some craft supplies for the boys' someday room. And it took me a while to find things, so I did a significant amount of walking before my mom hustled me back to the car and stuck me back on my couch. And you know what? NO CONTRACTIONS.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Contractions hurt, right? Yes, they do. Like the dickens. So why am I complaining? I'll tell you. Here I've been counting on the boys coming relatively early because they're twins. So although my pregnancy is like forty times worse than any normal, healthy woman should have to deal with, it was going to be shorter. But now I'm starting to think that they've had me stuck on the couch for no reason. I'm going to get to full term, lose my patience, start doing jumping jacks, and still have to get induced or have a planned C-section because these boogers aren't going to come out by themselves. Geez.

Remember that one time how Katie was induced 5 days after her due date and we still had to use all the Pitocin the hospital had? And there were hours and hours of my labor "not progressing"? She was being quite stubborn about not being born. And now her brothers are apparently being boogers just like her.

Okay, that's enough complaining. Sorry about that.

This morning, when my mom came to help me and Katie get up and fed and stuff, she asked Katie if she wanted to go play with the aunts and uncles today (it's spring break for them). Katie insisted all morning that she wanted to stay here and play toys and read stories. Well, after a while my mom just went up and got some Katie clothes and brought them down, and changed Katie out of her jammies with some PBS to distract her. Then Katie said her feet were cold, so we put on her socks. Katie then proceeded to insist that she needed her sneakers, so we put them on. Then Katie went to the door, said, "Bye Mom! See you later! Come on, Grandma!" and left.

So my mom and I said, "um, okay then," and they went off to play. And I get to sit here without stress and write on my blog and potentially watch a Mommy-movie (meaning NOT Monsters, Inc.) and eat ice cream and do other things I can't do with Katie here. Awesome.

Also, in the early, dark hours of the morning when I was trying really hard to be comfortable enough to sleep, there was serious action going on with the boys. Either they heard us mention rock-em-sock-em robots and thought they'd practice their moves, or they're flipping. AGAIN. I'll let you guys know if anything happens. And if I ever get to actually have babies.

My consolation? Being so sick and anti-food for nine months means that pregnancy makes me lose weight, and I think it's going to be even more this time because it's two big boys stealing my calories instead of my little girl. Combine with that the fact that I'm planning on breastfeeding my twins, and I'm going to be so hot this summer. I even had a dream last night (before my Tylenol wore off) that Mike and I went on a date and I was wearing a dress and was all skinny and felt good about myself. That's gonna be the life . . .

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Love it! (The blog post, not waiting for your contrary sons) I laughed til I cried and your brothers wondered what was wrong with me.
Also, you should tell your sons that Katie is getting tired of the waitibg room. She asks for Monkey George on my phone earlier now.
Love you!!!