Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Want to See Something Completely Terrifying (and also Adorable)?

Peter is a hurricane and none shall escape his path of destruction and cuteness.

Also, we went to the boys' 12 month appointment at the doctor today. Want to hear how much they weigh? Josh was 20 lbs, 14 oz, and Peter was 18 lbs, 6.5 oz. (!!!!!!!!) Josh was 40-somethingeth percentile. I just plain can't believe it. They're huge, man. Huge.

Excuse me. I have to go collapse in a stupor of shock and disbelief.


Cynthia said...

Petey is like a tiny, careful bow-legged cowboy in this video! And I love their little sing-songy communication!!
Awesome! (and terrifying. Are you ready, Brittany?)

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

Oh that is so fun. Your sweet babies have caught up with my tiny baby. Last month she was 18 lbs. 10ish ozs. So excited to see you guys!

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

How fun! Your sweet boys have caught up to my tiny girl. She was 18 lbs 10ish ozs at her 15 month appointment in March. We are so excited to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

Such cute little guys! Is it crazy to write, watching Peter walking so carefully reminded me of helping a dear older member of our ward walking, ahh the cycle of life, gotta love it! Mom M