Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Wow. This is just pitiful. Those of you who care should really just follow me on instagram. Because this just is really hard to do.

Well, I'm just going to put up a few pictures, and then tell you that we're going on vacation. On Monday. For like, a month. And we're driving. (!!!!!!!!!!!)

Here are my children. And a little commentary.

I'm actually not sure. Maybe this is Josh? Nope. It's Spiderman. Nevermind.

This kid is, like, 7 months old now.

Twin lovin'.

This is a really flattering picture of my sister who came to visit.

The hooligans are 3!! (With a pretty cool pirate ship cake!)

Stomp rocket at the park!

He tolerates us so well.
Yes, some of those pictures have us in winter coats. And then there were a couple of days when we were in shorts, out sweating in 85 degrees. Because we live in the Midwest, and it can't make up its mind. But that's okay. We're having fun.

See you after I get some vacation pics!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Can't wait to go on vacation with you! It's gonna be awesome!