I just think it was funny how my entire lecture today in Biology was about UVA and UVB light, melanocytes, melanin, freckles, moles, and melanoma. Especially how the extra pale ones are super prone to get really deadly cancer. Basically, I'm doomed. Gee, thanks, parents. I love you too.
Don't worry Brittany! you're not the only one! We're all in this together (As Lexi would say)
POST SOME DARN PICTURES OF YOUR NEW HAIRCUT/COLOR!!! (and ps. I found a loverly new book called "Austenland" [yes you guessed it- about modernday lizzy bennet with a HUGE twist!] that you will absolutely ADORE! [and here's how I can tell you will love it- the author often describes the men in the novel as (and I quote) "delicious"] [oooh! lots of parenthetical clauses here!] well, I loves you and I love reading your blog! oooh- and I hope you don't get skin cancer! :D
I am sorry about the pale skin. In Jane Austen's time that would have been in your favor as everyone worked so hard not to freckle.
PS ARen't you proud of me for getting Sarah to share her google account with me so I can have access to this repository of your goofy rantings. :-)
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