Oh yeah.
In other news, I think I may give y'all the first part of my story so far. In fact, I'm about to email y'all and let you know about it, and ask you to read it. I want feedback from people who aren't psycho English Majors. Real, actual, honest-to-goodness normal people who aren't grammar Nazis or overly concerned with the style of my character development (No offense to Nicole or any of the Inquisition that happen across this). Holy mackerel.
Kay...well....here it is. Just the prologue, mind you.
There was an accident on the freeway. As she noticed the taillights crowded in front of her, she finally snapped out of her daze to ease on her brakes. The car lurched to a stop in the third lane, rain pouring down her windshield. In a desperate attempt to see, she turned her wipers up to full power for a few seconds, then gave up. Realizing the inevitability of it, she sat back in her seat, leaned her head back on the headrest, and closed her eyes.
As she sat in the cold car, she forgot why she had even come on this trip. She hadn’t even come up with what she was going to tell her boss on the phone in the morning. Names, faces, memories began rushing through her mind, filling her with a flood of emotion, and a single tear ran slowly down her face. Ethan… Matthew… Maya… David. Their names meant so much, and yet so little. What would they think of her now?
She opened her eyes and looked around her, through the rain-soaked windows. The other cars and drivers were a giant blur, their faces, colors, lights running in a steady pattern but never falling away. She looked to her left, and saw in the car next to her a middle-aged, balding man, looking at her with a look of immense tiredness in his face. He looked behind her and suddenly his eyes grew wide. Her head snapped around and she faced two enormous headlights coming directly at her, not stopping…
AHHH! What happens next! AHHH!!! I like how you're right there. You set the scene well--just enough detail to get the scene and emotion in your head and then WHAM! (almost?) you suck the reader in. Seriously. What happens next!?!?!?!
Lol well, you already know what I think. But just wanted to leave ya a little note to say awesome job, again. You know I only go all crazy on ya cuz I know I can extract even more awesomness that way. :)
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