Friday, November 7, 2008


I have the COOLEST job ever. Seriously. Mike's jealous.
So I applied for this typist position with the statistics department, because I needed a job on campus and this seemed like something boring where I wouldn't have to wear the purple and green polo shirts and smell like fish all the time (I mean, I love the MTC, but seriously...).
So they called me in for an interview. I was like, okay, whatever, I've got a job interview, which is good.
Until they hired me.
I'm working for Dr. Schaalje (pronounced skall-ya), who was asked by the religion department to do an analysis of the writings of Sidney Rigdon. Unfortunately, all they had were a bunch of original newspapers that were kind of hard to read. So I'm transcribing them. You know what that means? I spend all day reading and typing up the writings of Sidney Rigdon, as he calls out sinners and Campbellite preachers in the LDS Newspaper that Oliver Cowdery was putting out in Kirtland. I'm being serious. He writes these five page long explanations of the organization of the church in the days of Christ, and the doctrine of ongoing revelation...and he calls people stupid that don't read the bible and learn for themselves. Yeah. He does. Okay, so actually he called them stupid for listening to their Campbellite preachers and not learning the stuff for themselves. He thought they weren't thinking or learning for themselves, and was exhorting them to come towards the light. It's the coolest thing ever.
My only question: so far, a lot of his letters have been toward this seemingly anti-mormon guy named Oliver Barr. Anybody know who that is? I don't.

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