Friday, November 14, 2008

Something to make you think

Today I transcribed a news article by Sidney Rigdon in 1839, in response to an article which accused him of writing the Book of Mormon with someone named Solomon Spalding. He spends the first part of the article assuring the readers that he had never heard of this Spalding guy before, and then continues to discredit the adulterous liars that accused him.
But while he's talking about it, he says this:
"It has always been a matter of no ordinary satisfaction to me, to know that my enemies have no better weapon to use against me, or the cause in which I am engaged, than lies; for if they had any better, they would certainly use them. I must confess, however, that there is some constancy in our persecutors; for as truth can never destroy truth, it would be in vain for our persecutors to use truth against us, for this would only build us up; this they seem to know, and lay hold of the only available means they have, which are lies. And this, indeed, is the only weapon which can be or ever has been used against the truth."
As I was reading that, I was just thinking of the times we live in, where so many people take our beliefs and twist them into the "basest lies that human beings are capable of." Sidney Rigdon had to fight off slanderous attacks about the falseness of his religion, and now we have to fight off attacks that we are persecuting others. I think it is very important that no matter what they say, they cannot use the truth against us, but only lies. We are in a very troubling time, and it is now that we need to stand for what is right and not let any of our persecutors find anything true to use against us.
Those are just my thoughts right now.

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