Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Corn mazes, tractor tire playgrounds, pig races, corn pits (as opposed to sand boxes), hay bale slides, goats and llamas, apple cider donuts, jumping pillows, pumpkins, and fudge. Oh, and one clown, but I managed to walk past him without crying, so we'll call that a success.

I sure love fall.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

And Now, another episode of "My Kids are both Hilarious and TOTALLY NUTS."

I can understand if none of you read my blog anymore. I can NOT believe it has been a month. Well, it's been quite a month. So maybe I can believe it.

Now I'm trying to remember what has happened in the last month. It was kind of a blur. The first part of the month was warm, and we went to the park a lot, and didn't wear jackets, and I may have gotten sunburned. Then, it hit. FALL!!!!

I'm really excited. I don't know, I guess I was tired of the sweating and the humidity and the nasty bugs everywhere. But now there's wind and the trees are changing color, and I get to wear large sweaters that cover up my belly fat. Yay!

Besides teaching preschool, not much out of the ordinary has happened (I guess we've just been running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get as much outside time as possible before Chicagoland becomes the Arctic Tundra). But my children are hilarious. And because I'm super OCD, they will now be compartmentalized.


(Singing) "I know when I am baptized my lungs are washed away . . ."

***Official disclaimer: For those who do not belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we do not actually wash away any lungs. Baptism washes away sins. SINS. NOT LUNGS. Thank you.

Katie is the most creative and uninhibited person I know. And I have a lot of toddlers in my acquaintance currently. She insists daily that when she grows up, she wants to be a Ballerina, a Doctor, and a Soccer Player. She tried to add football player, baseball player, and basketball player to the list the other day, but I told her she needed to limit her choices or we'd all be totally nuts. Also I put my foot down at my baby girl playing football. Ugh.

Please note that the only thing Katie will play is "Let it Go"
A couple of weeks ago, we bought a piano from a friend who was moving (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and it was a big deal. We recruited some guys from the ward to help pick it up, and Katie and I anxiously waited by the front window while Mike and the guys went to get it. Shortly after they left (just my luck) it started to rain.

Me: Oh no, now I'm worried.
Katie: Why? Are you afraid your husband is dead?
Me: . . . well I wasn't before . . .

Luckily, he was not dead, and we now have a real live, actual piano. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I actually didn't get a turn for a while because the kids insisted on breaking it in for me. But I have since gotten to play it a lot, which I think has greatly improved my mental state. It's super easy to just ignore all the hooligans and play some Gershwin for a while. Or Chopin, if my mom were here. Now that it's been here for a couple of weeks, I just need to find a good tuner.

Anyways, Katie. Oh, Katie. She was playing one afternoon (I think it was Sunday because Mike was here), and Mike asked her what song she was playing.

"This is called 'Dark and Brooding.'"
*Plays a jaunty, ragtime tune and sings "Dark and Brooding" to the tune of "Row, row, row your boat"*
"And this one is called 'Lucy had a Mary Lamb.' At the end it has everybody DIE. And then a bunch of bad guys come. And then a bunch of bats come and eat all the dead people."

Yep, that's my beautiful, delicate flower. Here's just a couple more that I don't even know how to work into context.

"This is my awkward princess chair. I'm the awkwardest princess in the whole world."

"Whimpering fireboxes! My brothers are still asleep!"

Me: "Ew, it smells like old rest stop in here."
Katie: "I think it smells like diarrhea in here!"


"What, I still have a Mom? Oh look, toys!"
Oh, Josh. What am I going to do with you? He's simultaneously sweet and adorable and also super mischievous. I have no idea. So, the good news is that we started going to nursery. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) On the 28th I brought them in for the first time and then stayed in with them because they won't be 18 mos until the 10th. And Josh didn't even remember I was there. Peter was totally fine until I had to take Josh out to change him, and then he FLIPPED. Peter is a very shy little dude when Mommy's not around. Even with Josh and Katie both in there with him. But Josh is all about the fun. Who cares about boring 'ole parents? He's also the one that just starts wandering off at the park and chases the big kids up the giant slide and tries to catch the geese that are still bigger than him. It's a blessing and a curse. I've been thinking about getting him a leash and harness for when we leave the house.

He's also getting really smart. He knows his eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, head, hands, toes, and belly button. Oh man, he loves his belly button. Also Peter's belly button. Almost as much as Peter loves HIS belly button. They are constantly grabbing each other's shirts so they can poke each other's belly buttons. It's kind of adorable and frustrating.

Feeling a little touristy today
But Josh is also super obsessed with machines. He LOVES to build with blocks. He has way more patience for it than Peter or even Katie. And he's always trying to get at whatever machine I happen to be using. Kitchenaid, washer and dryer, dishwasher, popcorn maker, anything that makes noise and runs on electricity. He hears it start up and then gets all excited and tries to climb up my leg to see. When we got out the air popper he just wanted to sit and watch it, and now he'll sometimes go over to the cupboard where he knows we keep it and start asking to get it out. Don't tell Papa, but we might have another little engineer on our hands. He LOVES the construction equipment out on the main road, and "truck" is one of his clearest words. Oh boy, that kid loves machines.

Now if only he didn't love climbing so much. He can push chairs around and climb everything, so that I've found him standing on the kitchen table trying to get the light fixture, standing on the island and kicking over the peanut butter I so foolishly left out, and trying to get dangerous things out of the cabinets that I foolishly thought were high enough. You know, since they're at MY eye level. Apparently not. And the other day, he was sitting at the piano, playing nicely, when all of a sudden his playing got a little bit exciting. When I came back into the family room, he was standing on the keyboard, trying to climb to the top of the piano. We now keep the piano bench on the other side of the baby gate, only getting it back out when someone is going to play the piano supervised. Or, you know, when Mike or I want to play.
This picture will be famous someday in his biography.

But despite all of his ridiculousness, Joshy is a sweetheart. Most of the time he just wants me to sit down so he can bring about 30 stories over and read ALL of them with me. His favorite place is in my lap. And if I didn't have so many things to do or other children to keep from murdering each other, I'd just stay there and sit with him. He's such a chunky little cuddle muffin. I love his cheeks. And I think he needs another hair cut. The stuff in the back is starting to get fluffy.


Popcorn: the ultimate source of true happiness.
Okay, now we get down to business. Peter is a talker. And I don't just mean all his little babbling, though he still sometimes does that, too. I mean he talks. His identifiable words include tasty, shoes (HE LOVES SHOES), Joshy, monkey, sit down, shirt, diaper, Katie, catch, and amen. Oh, and both boys like to wave and say "bye!" when they go down for their nap or when Daddy's heading off to school in the morning. It's hilarious and adorable. But my favorite thing that Peter says is "High-Pie!" *He says while high-fiving the paper plate skeleton we have in the window.* That's right. High-Pie. You know you want Peter to high-pie you.

He's still a little bit shy, and I'm worried about what that's going to mean for nursery. But when we're at home, boy this kid is a menace. When you look at the two boys, you assume that Josh (who is easily five pounds heavier still) is the bully, right? WRONG. Apparently Peter's Napoleon complex has fully matured and that kid can totally hold his own. Not to mention that he has a superpower called EAR-SHATTERING BLOOD-CURDLING GLASS-BREAKING SHRIEK. He learned it from his benevolent older sister.

But I don't think he really means to hurt anybody. I think it's mostly self-defense, because Katie seems to think that he's her own personal pet brother, and drags him around everywhere with her. When he's sitting on the couch, she basically uses him as a cushion. If he wants to danse, she pretends he's her barre and she's doing ballet. He's gotta be tough to deal with a sister the likes of KATIE. Meanwhile, Josh (who's almost as big as Katie and therefore less drag-around-able) sits off to the side doing his own thing and occasionally laughing at Peter's misfortunes. And therefore Peter has learned how to throw things at people and such of that nature.

Really, though, he's a sweetheart. For example, he recently learned how to actually kiss (unlike Josh, who still involves his whole face when trying to kiss me). So, the last couple of days when Mike and Katie had food poisoning and I think I got a total of three hours of sleep over two days, Peter was really good about coming over to me when I was about to break, hugging me around the neck, and then kissing me all over my face. And then giggling when I tried to kiss him back. He's super affectionate and loves to hug and kiss me. I love it so much.

Two young gentlemen, enjoying their balcony garden
And really, for the most part, my kids are really good to each other. Peter even frequently likes the wrestling with Katie. All three of them love to snuggle and give hugs and "MAMAMAMA" is not necessarily always a bad word around here. I just tell the violent parts because they are more humorous.

Now, let's talk about animals. Both of my boys LOVE any kind of animal book. We have discussed previously Joshy's obsession with tigers, which was partially shared by his brother, but their latest favorite is now ELEPHANTS. Oh man, elephants. They love them. So, a long time ago, I got a little bitty stuffed elephant and a stuffed monkey for the boys, which they haven't been particularly interested in snuggling ever. Well, now that they love animals, that's changing. Of course they have always loved monkeys, shrieking "ah ah ah!" when they see one. But now they love their toy monkey and elephant. Peter sleeps with the elephant, snuggling it under his neck when I give it to him. Josh isn't too keen on sleeping with an animal, but he loves to snuggle the monkey when he's awake, and we've taken to leaving both animals in Peter's bed because they play together with them when they wake up in the morning. I love listening to them trumpet like elephants before I open the door. Sometimes I think Peter is doing a little puppet show out of his bed for Josh. It's adorable.

Katie's conference activity
Before I finish and just picture dump at you guys, I need to say something about General Conference. For those of you who don't know, twice a year, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons, also, us) spend a whole weekend listening to/watching broadcast messages from our living prophet and the twelve apostles, as well as other leaders of the church. And this last weekend was that weekend. And what I need to say is WOW. I'll admit, I don't get to listen to the talks as well as I'd like. (My excuses shall remain unnamed but they rhyme with batie, wash, and jeter.) But everything I did hear really touched me.

It began last week at the General Women's Meeting, which was amazing. But I think my favorite moment was when the choir sang a medley of a primary song called "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" and the hymn "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." (It's called "Hymn Medley" on the webpage after you click "show music" at the top.) I really felt the Savior's love for me then, as well as during a lot of the conference this weekend. So many of the talks were about how much the Lord loves us and wants us to return to Him, and that He will help us through our trials and afflictions. And that when there is something He needs us to do, He will provide a way for us to accomplish that. He loves us and wants the best for us.

Watch/listen to/read conference. Any of it. All of it. Please. It will bless your life.

Okay fine, picture dump.

"Okay, guys, I just need some quiet time. Please just watch some Curious George."

Artwork convention

You know you wish you were this fabulous.

Joshy got tired for a second.

He refused to take off his car shirt to put on the jammy shirt. I don't blame him. It is an awesome car shirt.

Sassy pants

My little men, all grown up and saving China . . . *sniff*

Joshy just wanted to smell the flowers, okay?

Daddy and Peter selfie!

When we pick the boys up, they start smacking our heads, asking for this.

Oh ya know, just being awesome in their Halloween hats.
Well, that's all I have to say about that.