Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Three steps, Two teeth, One supersonic-speed Autumn!

Do you guys realize that it's already Thanksgiving? And therefore almost wintertime? What the bananas?

Anyhow, happy November all you happy blog-followers! (I know that I posted in November already, but really, that was about Halloween. SO not the same thing.)

We have a few big items of business to share.

Number one: Katie has officially taken her first steps. It happened a couple weeks ago that she took two steps in the kitchen by herself (Abuelo-->Mommy) but besides that, she's been pretending like she's gonna walk and then proceeded to fall with style. It's really not the same thing.

But this last weekend, she started again, and took not one, not two, but THREE steps (Tio Parker-->Mommy) meaning that it's only a matter of seconds before she starts kindergarten, graduates high school, and then starts moving away and being a grown-up! (sniff, sniff)

Yeah, I'm freaking out a little bit right now.

Our next item of business is that this little booger baby of mine has also broken out TWO of her teeth in the last week. The two front bottom teeth, to be exact. It has been SO MUCH FUN. : \

Translation: the whole time she was teething she would NOT sleep in her bed, mommy. No way. So I spent the whole last week sitting in the rocking chair, waking up every time my head fell over uncomfortably because she would only sleep if I was holding her. So she was plenty rested. Me? Well, ask my brothers how many times I burst into hysterical tears because somebody was tapping their feet or something. Yeah.

And because I've been at the end of my rope, I've been letting her sleep in my bed. Translation: I'm never going to be able to sleep in my bed nice and comfortable EVER AGAIN. Yeah. I can't even teach her how to sleep properly because she's in our room. Slightly inconvenient at times.

On the good side, Mike has a job, we're not starving to death, and we sure as heck don't have any debt. We really have a lot to be thankful for. Want to hear a preliminary list?

The Savior, the temple, families, scriptures, prayer, family home evening, the earth, chocolate, diapers, toothpaste, dentists, the internet, spinach, cupcakes, boots, hats, scarves, sweaters, blogs, doctors, nurses, blankets, cribs, baby monitors, enchiladas, steak, pie, digital cameras, pianos, cellos, iPods, cellular telephones, cars, bikes, education, contact lenses, mascara, debit cards, deodorant, mattresses, Christmas, turkey, indoor plumbing, baby wipes, running water, gas stoves, sprinkles, oreos, m&ms, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, grapes, airplanes, hairspray, shampoo, missionaries, staplers, jeans, slippers, the Red Sox, Disney, lasagna, Alexandre Dumas, printers, publishers, General Conference, ballet . . .

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bo Peep has found her sheep! or, Boy is Katie a party animal!

Yes, this is the post you've all been waiting for. Unfortunately, Katie just woke up. Hold on a while.

Okay! It is now three days later and my mom has agreed to distract Katie long enough for me to actually finish this blog. (So don't feel bad if the date says last Friday and you think you just forgot to check my blog. Because you didn't.) (Except I just discovered that it does say it's Monday. The new blogger is smarter than the last one.)

Happy a week after Halloween!!! This has been probably the best week we've had in a lot of months. Here's why.

FIRST - While we were hangin' with Amy and Jared, Mike got an email from our secret inside source at St. Luke's saying that there was going to be a job opening and that she had given her supervisor Mike's resume. The Thursday before Halloween, he had an interview. They really liked him and he thought all of his answers were good. Then, last Friday (the day I began this post even though it's Monday now) Mike got a voicemail from St. Luke's HR. Today he called them back because they didn't answer on Friday, and he's been hired!!!!! He gets to go in on Wednesday to kill some trees and get a physical and a drug test, and he starts NEXT MONDAY!!! WE HAVE A JOB!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

SECOND - As many of you know, one of the reasons we still live with my parents is that shortly after coming to Boise, and right after we got off BYU's fantastic insurance, my dear husband got appendicitis and incurred a LOT of hospital bills. We paid off all the little ones, but it kind of wiped us out, so we had nothing left for the big fat hospital bill that made up most of our expenses. In our desperation, we applied for financial aid from the hospital, not expecting anything because we clicked 'no' on the "did you apply for medicaid?" question.

Then, the Saturday before Halloween, we got a letter telling us that we qualified for financial aid and that the hospital was waiving ALL of our debt. (!!!!!!!!!!!) We are out of debt. It almost feels surreal. I would put more capital letters and exclamation points but I don't think there are enough in my computer to express this adequately.

THIRD - well, frankly, it was Halloween. What could be better?

Happy Halloween! Hope you had as much of a sugar buzz hangover as we had!