Friday, October 23, 2009

Flu-Like Symptoms and Pumpkin-Flavored Candles

All this week Mike has been feeling not very well, and yesterday I finally convinced him to be sick and stay home. When I got home he was totally conked out, and he didn't wake up for two more hours. (Needless to say, I got a lot done.)
Unfortunately, while I was making him be sick so he could get better, I was ignoring the fact that I was getting a sore throat and feeling kinda shaky too. So I shouldn't have been surprised when I woke up this morning completely gross. My throat hurts, my body aches, and I have on-and-off headaches and dizziness. Mike still wasn't better, so we're having a sick day today.
On another note, I ran into a candle sale, and bought a couple more so I have options (until now I've lived with apple and vanilla, which are good, but getting old). So I bought one called "cotton" that smells like fresh laundry and deliciousness, and another one that's pumpkin spice. It smells like Christmas. :) I like it lots. :) It's the one burning right now so our apartment smells really nice.
I hate being sick. The thermostat is set to like, 69 or 70 degrees, and I'm still freezing. Good thing we decided to stay in bed all day. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Somebody forgot to tell me to keep my contact prescription.

I realized this morning that I threw away my very last contacts yesterday. So I don't even remember what my prescription is.
So now I have to go to the optometrist. Bleh.
Just felt like complaining. I was even talking to Noelle today about how she forgot her contact prescription when she came to school, but she doesn't like wearing her glasses, so she usually just goes around a little blind. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to get away with that? I calmly explained to her that when I don't have my glasses on, the only way I can tell she's there is the difference in color. She's just a Noelle-colored blob. So she tried on my glasses and gave herself an instant migraine.
Mike says Noelle and I are perfect to work together. Sometimes I agree. :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

BYU vs. Utah State, or, How my beloved husband scared the bejeebers out of two poor little Honduran women

Mike is loud at football games. This is a known fact among those who have been with him to any kind of sports event.
Well, last night we went to the football game against Utah State (they were nice enough to play us on Friday night because today was conference). We didn't get all-sports passes this year, so Mike bought tickets in the section full of old people (and let me tell you, alumni who still come to football games are crazier fans than students could EVER be).
Half way through the game, some people came who had just been to their mission reunion, and they had two friends with them from Honduras (hence, they were all speaking Spanish the whole time). Those two girls seemed very quiet and didn't know anything about football, so their friends were trying to explain it.
Then, there was a touchdown or something. And my husband exploded. And they both turned around with terrified looks on their faces, shocked at his volubility. It was quite impressive. It's okay, I laughed embarrassedly and they all thought it was funny after the initial shock.
Mike had to sing an octave below bass during the hymns in conference today. :)