Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day Happiness

Can I just say, my first Valentine's Day being married was the best Valentine's Day ever? This is how our day was. Just thought I'd make you all jealous.
So Friday night when we got home from classes, there were a dozen red roses on the table. APPARENTLY, his boss let him leave work for a while to go hunt down some flowers for me, so they were there when we got home even thought I THOUGHT we were both on campus all day long. Can you say cushy job? So can I :) (I know, I know, I'm one to talk. We're all having lunch tomorrow instead of working...) and that night was our ward Valentine's dance, which was super fun--and the "Sing for your Sweethearts" boys sang "kiss the girl" and made Joe and Stephanie roll around the gym in a trash can "boat" while they sang. It was pretty funny, and we all had a great time dancing the night away :)
I knew he had all of Saturday planned, even though I didn't know what the plan was, so I took advantage of his sleep deprivation and very sneakily got out of bed before him on Saturday morning, made some yummy cheesy scrambled eggs and toast and hot cocoa and woke him up with breakfast in bed. I don't think it was really a surprise, but he'd never had breakfast in bed before, so I totally got some points. And then he proceeded to totally skunk me in the points. Seriously.
After breakfast, we got all pretty and tried to go with the ward to the 10:20 session at the temple, but we totally just barely missed it and we went to the 10:40 session. Can you think of a better way to start the day? I can't. It was AWESOME.
After we left the temple, we went home to get into play clothes (who wants to be wearing a skirt during a snowstorm? NOT ME) and Mike casually suggested we go to Zupa's for lunch, where I had the best "ultimate grilled cheese" I've ever had in my life! (Zupa's does soup, salad, and paninis, if you're not familiar). It was SO TASTY.
And then was the surprise part. He handed me the directions from Google maps, but it had the name of the destination all taken off, so I just knew the street numbers, not where we were going, and it turned out we were going to the ART MUSEUM!! Yay!!! It was so much fun.
*Most exciting part of that adventure: while we were wandering around the museum, there was a little exhibit up in the soviet art (the exciting stuff) that had a ring box and a long-stemmed rose, and the placard said "this ring was given by -------- to -------- on February 14, 2009 to propose marriage for time and all eternity." !!!!!!!! And when we were leaving, we totally saw them! He was totally nervous, and she was totally unsuspecting! It was so cute!! I'm so happy for them!!!
Anyways, I'm already married, and my husband's WAY cuter than hers, so we're moving on...
Then we went home to take a nap, because we'd been up for a while, and totally crashed. When we slept through our alarm, Mike looked all disappointed, and when I asked what was wrong, he said that we "might have slept through our reservations at Macaroni Grill"...so we jumped up, got ready, and we were there by 7, and they gave us the reservations still, even though it was crazy busy, which was good, because if we hadn't had reservations, it was a 2-hour wait...!!!
So then we had the BEST meal ever. Seriously. The waiter was one of the best we've had, and the food was SO good. Mike had his first ever real Italian Soda, and he totally loved it. It was kind of funny-- he was like a little kid :)
So when we got home, he suggested we watch a movie, and I was contemplating what to watch when he announced that he had also picked up (when rose-hunting) a box of strawberries to use our chocolate fondue kit with, and my favorite chick-flick ever! Pride and Prejudice! (I already had the long one, so he got the 2005 version) And we had strawberries and watched it! And it was so fun!
Can you say best Valentine's day EVER? :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

I invented a new recipe last night! Try it out and comment! Or something!

So yesterday was Sunday, and I have this rule that I always want to make a nice hot meal on Sunday nights, just because I love to cook and I never get a chance during the week. But Saturday night was the adult session of Stake Conference, so we were in a hurry before, and I didn't think about what I was going to make until it was too late to go to the store. So I had to experiment.
So I pulled out my little crock pot that afternoon and just started throwing stuff in. I didn't measure--I made some amounts up when I wrote down the recipe, but they're SO imprecise. :) Here's what I used:
2 chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
several generous quirts of ranch dressing
a couple of splashes of lemon juice
about 1/3 package of cream cheese
some generous sprinkling of onion flakes
a pinch each of poppy seed and cumin
maybe 2? Tbsp of butter/margarine or whatever we had
I cooked that for a long time until the chicken was cooked and it was all hot and bubbly, then added about 4 stalks of celery and 1 big carrot, chopped up, then cooked it some more until it was all hot and the vegetables were slightly tender, then served it over noodles. I gave Mike the option of rice or noodles, and he said noodles. But I guess you could try it over rice.
So, any of you that like cooking and/or have a crockpot, you should try this out and see what you think or if there are any adjustments that should be made. This was totally me just pulling everything out of my fridge and dumping in the things I thought sounded good. :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

I got a 34% on my religion test last night!

Okay, so not really. I was just trying to get your attention. I did get a 34%, but it was the wrong test. :)
So Mike and I are taking Religion 234 together, which is the "LDS Marriage and Family" class, and we both LOVE it. We have an AWESOME teacher (Kent Brooks) and it's like, Tuesday nights are the funnest part of the week! (okay, not really. but it's pretty fun!) But anyways, we study together, and read all the material, and it's totally fun and we're learning a lot.
So last night we went together to take the first exam, and I was kind of sick, so I was kind of expecting Mike to do better just because I couldn't think straight. But when we got into the testing center, Mike zipped through it and had to wait for me, and I didn't recognize anything! We've been talking about covenants and the character of God and that kind of thing, but my test was all about dating and finding the right person. I didn't know any of the answers, because it was all quotes from different apostles, but I thought I had guessed right.
So we went outside, and Mike got a 98%, and I got a 34%. I almost died. I've never failed anything in my life! I even got 70%'s in American Heritage! I was seriously depressed, and cried, and was all cranky and sad, because I'd had a really bad day and was sick AND (I thought) had failed a test for the first time in my life!
But while we were walking home, Mike brought up some of the questions, and he said something about the Abrahamic covenant, and I was like, wait a second...
Anyways, we figured out that I had gotten the test that was for the next exam, so we emailed Professor Brooks, and now I'm going to go take it for reals after French tonight.
Haven't I just brightened your life a little bit by making you count your blessings? :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Holy Cow my life is busy!

I've been meaning to get pictures up of our apartment, but that might not happen for a while. We'll plan on Saturday, after I can get everything cleaned up. :)
I've been up since 6:45 this morning, and I'll be on campus until 8. Gross. But you want to hear about blessings? I had a design project for my CHUM class due at 10:30, and I intended to do it before and after my Shakespeare class (9-9:50) because I had to do it in the MAC lab here on campus. I didn't realize it would take as long as it did.
Blessing: my Shakespeare teacher had told us that she had been summoned for jury duty, but she didn't know if she would have to go today, so she said she'd email us. I didn't get an email yesterday, but I showed up to class, and the only other people there were the ones who hadn't checked their email THIS MORNING. Class was canceled. And I finished my CHUM project. And learned how to use InDesign. And got to eat real lunch at work because Michael packed me one.
Life is good.