Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I really shouldn't be writing right now.

Because all I'm going to do is complain. That's okay. It's my blog. You just have to take it. :)
Complain #1: I'm totally starting to show.
I thought this wasn't supposed to happen for a few more weeks, but here it goes. Admittedly, I've had the maternity pants for a while because when I first got pregnant, I was all bloated and sick and pukey all the time, and wearing my normal pants put too much pressure on my already distressed stomach. So Mike let me buy some maternity ones. They're amazing.
No, the part that I'm having trouble with is the new wardrobe I am officially changing out this week. For my birthday (which isn't until Saturday but my mother insisted upon us celebrating whilst in Boise last week) my mom took me to a bunch of consignment stores to hunt for maternity clothes. We found a lot of stuff for not very expensive. It was great. So now I have a closet (well, it's still in a giant bag on the floor right now) full of extremely cute but still very tent-like maternity shirts. Ugh.
Complain #2: I'm 14 1/2 weeks and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. Ew. Puke.

Anyways, I'm still at work. I wish food were tasty . . .


mom w said...

hey beautiful,
You will be beautiful - and more comfy - in the roomier tops. I am sorry you are still pukey. Really. Dont worry, you will be able to hold this over your child's head someday when he/she is driving you bonkers.

Happy Birthday darling. Hope you and Mike find something tasty to eat for your birthday. We will make a cake in your honor as soon as the kids get the lawn mowed. :-)

Anonymous said...

This too shall pass :-)
Happy B-Day!
Mom M PS Guess your mom and I had the same thoughts on b-day ideas! Great minds think a like!