Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hope you made your guesses!

It seems our family dynamic is about to change dramatically. I guess having twins does that to you.

What's that you say? You already knew we were having twins? Well, sorry. But it's kind of a big deal. I'm going to be talking about that a lot.

I'm just joshing ya. Remember that one time how Mike currently lives in a house full of women (Katie and I being the quite loud, house-filling women)? Well, it seems that come next spring we women might be slightly outnumbered.


Here they are.

Thing 1:

Thing 2:

What did you think, I was going to display their man parts? Nobody wants that on the internet!

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this.

While we let that sink in, want to hear about our trip to the emergency room this week? We still don't know why it happened.

Sunday night after dinner, Mike started feeling queasy. (This was not a surprise. Boy has the stomach of a newborn child.) So we went about business as usual. Went to bed at a relatively decent hour, and I, amazingly, fell asleep quite rapidly.

Well, somewhere in the middle of the night, I realized that Mike was not in bed with me. I waited for him to come back, but he didn't. My brain fell behind and I went back to sleep. Sometime after 5, I woke up enough to be conscious and determine what was going on. Mike had slept for maybe two hours in the night (not consecutively) and had spent most of it downstairs throwing up where he wouldn't wake up the girls. I checked on him, tried to see if he could nibble saltines or if Fresca helped (the bubbles usually help my tummy). He told me to go back to bed, so I made sure our phones were in our respective locations. Sometime after 6, he told me something was not right and he wanted to go to the emergency room.

See, he had been throwing up all night, and who hasn't had a night like that? But things were only getting worse, and he couldn't even keep down sips of water. He actually was shaking quite violently. So I put on clothes and brushed my teeth and called my mom to come get Katie. (Katie would probably not make things more fun in the emergency room.) We only had to wait a couple minutes for Grandma (who I suspect was already awake getting ready to boot some kids out the door to school) and headed off.

Want to know something funny? This wasn't anything like the last time I took Mike to the emergency room. (Remember that delightful appendectomy last summer?) Then he had been throwing up and having real pain and I had been all freaked out because we'd never had anything like this and holy cow what am I supposed to do with my nursing baby? But this time? It's cool, man. It's cool.

No, I'm serious! Ask Mike, I was even telling jokes and being all friendly with the insurance lady and the nurses and stuff. I was so chill and not stressed about things, I felt like my dad. Weird, huh?

Well, they tried some Zofran on Mike (the magical drug that they give cancer patients and pregnant ladies for nausea), but that did absolutely nothing. In fact, he only started getting worse. So after a while of observation that was quite miserable and some rather frustrating waiting, they switched to Phenergan (which is the step usually before Zofran, which I tried when pregnant with Katie, and which had absolutely no effect on me). Happily, that began to work, but it also knocked mister sick boy out almost completely. Which meant that for the next period of observation and waiting, I was quite bored. (That's the only reason I was frustrated during this trip. No book.)

After they figured out that the Phenergan was (kind of) working, and after pumping three bags of fluid into Mr Dehydration's system, they gave us some prescriptions and a diagnosis of dehydration and hypovolemia (not enough blood volume) and sent us home, where Mike got a blessing and where he crashed until after dinner time. Good times, wot?

So, he didn't come with me to my doctor appointment this morning, because he's still home trying to make sure he can eat and not puke before going back to work. But he was no less excited about the boys. Trust me.

Hope you're all warming up for turkey day! Have fun!


April said...

AWESOME NEWS!!! We need good parents to raise good boys in this world! so happy for you guys!!! sorry about Mike - hope he feels better soon.

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your twin boys! How crazy and exciting! Condolences to Mike (about being sick). I hope he gets feeling better!
As an aside, completely unrelated to this post, I think of you all the time. (Sounds weird, but wait for the explanation.) There's a sign near our apartment that says, "Own for less then rent." I was confused for a while as to why you would own something and then pay rent for it, until I realized it was just a spelling error and not a punctuation error. I hope I would've figured it out earlier except that I never really thought about it.
I've been meaning to tell you about it for a year or so, which kind of makes this anticlimactic. Thankfully you haven't been waiting for it that long.
We should catch up sometime. :)

Crystal said...

Congratulations on the little boys. You are going to be a fun boy Mom!! My friend Sarah has twin boys and they are so fun. They are 3 years old now!! I'm sorry about Mike. I hope he is feeling better. Love you and your family!! :)