Friday, May 17, 2013

Don't Eat Josh!

Any of you guys ever play "Don't eat Pete!" as a kid? Mike and I both did. If you didn't, it involves somebody eating candy until everybody yells "Don't eat Pete!" at them. It was one of my favorite family home evening activities. (Also the thimble game, but that's another story.)

Well, at five weeks old, my boys still sleep the best and act the happiest when they're all snuggled in together. And occasionally one of them will get hungry or something, and not be able to get his binky out of his hand and into his mouth. So, he'll turn to the closest thing to his face and start gnawing on it--usually his brother's head. And guess who is most often the guilty one in these situations? Pete. (Hehe, I just love it.)

It also distresses the big sister quite a bit. Peter starts chewing on whatever part of Josh is closest (head, fingers, nose, etc.) and Katie notices and runs over yelling, "Don't eat Josh!" I usually start cracking up, but mostly because I'm so sleep deprived that even breathing is either hilarious or tragic.

As I mentioned before, the boys were five weeks old on Wednesday. They're totally not newborns anymore. But now that the boys are a rather established part of our family, I almost feel like life could be back to normal. Therefore, this is a sticky-note post. (Yay!) Did you like how I included one of my anecdotes as an introduction? Oh, but I have more. And maybe pictures if I can remember to get out my technology (you know, like the memory card from my camera or the hard drive where I keep all my pictures because the laptop is unstable).

Here goes. There are a lot of them.

Funny Things Katie has Said

(To her gummy bear vitamins) "You're not a real baby, you're a fancy baby! Come on, baby. Let's go home and eat a lion."

(After the boys' cords fell off) "Look! My brothers have normal bellies! And they have big fuzzy heads!"

(See if you can recognize this song) "Little bunny poo-poo, I don't want to see you scooping up the forest . . . um . . .and bopping on the head!" (This is funny because otherwise, she totally doesn't have trouble with Fs.)

"Not in Spanish! Read it in normal person!"

"Nice to eat you!" (After we explained that it's "meet," not "eat", she does it now with her mischief face on.)

"No, you can't love me! I'm dangerous!"

(After watching Arthur) "Mommy! Arthur's teacher is mean! He's Mr. Ratbird!"

(Wearing her fairy wings) "I can fly through the air! I'm flying to Albertsons!"

"Okay, Daddy. I'm going to unlock your head and get somebody out. Oh look! It's a big walrus!"

Conversations Worthy of Note

Katie: I like airplanes! Can I come?
Me: Katie, are you going to be my daredevil and teach the brothers how to get into trouble?
Katie: Yes, yes I am.

(When I was upstairs and Katie was down)

Me: Katie, what are you doing down there?
Katie: There's a spider! Mommy, what do spiders eat?
Me: Little bugs, why?
Katie: What do little bugs eat?
Me: Leaves and grass.
Katie: What does leaves and grass eat?
Me: Dirt and sunshine.
Katie: Oh, okay.
Me: Katie?
Katie: . . .
Mike: I think she wants to keep the spider as a pet.

See what I mean? I've been stocking up on cute things Katie has said. So I kind of didn't tell you the whole boring story for each one.

However, now I think I'll tell you about some of the differences between my boys.

First, Josh is still noticeably bigger when you lift them. Peter is a long, skinny baby like Katie always was, but I have to clean the lint out of Josh's fat rolls. Little chunk. Don't get me wrong, Peter is totally gaining on him and now has cheeks to rival the best of them, but he's still skinnier.

Peter has a rather normal baby cry, complete with high-pitchedness. Josh? Well, he's got more of a roar. It's very manly. Also, while Peter gives out warning shrieks when he's getting distressed, Josh goes from happily calm and asleep to total freak out in about 4 milliseconds.

Okay, last one. If they're snuggling together and I'm busy doing something else (like, I dunno, worrying about my 2-year-old) and one of them gets sad, the other will notice. If Josh gets sad and starts crying, Peter will either put his arms around him and snuggle (it has happened multiple times) or fling his arms around and punch Josh in the face. Yeah. But if Peter starts crying, first Josh looks quite surprised, and then he wriggles around until he's face-to-face with his brother, then starts furiously licking his face. And somehow, Peter likes it. He calms right down. Weird little puppies.

Now, because I know the real reason you all get on my blog, I will put up some pictures of the last month. You're welcome.

Here's Peter at 1 week old.
Here he is at 1 month. Hello, cheeks.

Here's Josh at 1 week.
And here he is at 1 month.

All three kids at once means somebody's gotta be uncomfortable, right?

And that's our life. So, the boys just woke up while I was doing this and now Katie's trying to plug in two binkies at once. Gotta run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANKS for sharing your life with us! You are doing an amazing job!!! What a great mommy!!!