Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Most Realistic Photo Shoot We've Had Yet

I hope everybody has recovered from the sugar crash that must have hit you guys as hard as it hit us Sunday night. Oh man, did that happen. Katie was acting like Spiderman on caffeine, climbing all over the walls, Josh was a crazy jungle man, and Peter would just sit and sing and dance whenever he had chocolate in his mouth, then start giggling hysterically. I wish I had been filming the whole day.

Besides that, though, we had a fantastic Easter holiday. The best part was that although Katie is a crazy chocola-holic just like her mother, she really gets it. We've been telling her the story of Christ's death and resurrection for Family Home Evening the last few weeks to get her ready for Easter. The first week, she was really just super obsessed with the dying part. ("Mom! Did you know that when you're a really old, old grandma, you're gonna DIE?") But after that, I think she understood the point of the story.

When we were going through the story again on Easter (when the boys were asleep so we could actually pay attention), when we got to the part when bad men were being mean to Jesus and hurting him, Katie kept reminding us, "It's okay, because after Jesus died, he was resurrected!" And she reminds us all the time now, that when we die, "It's okay, because Jesus is alive again, so we can be alive again, too!"

She's right. He lives. And so can we, through His grace. I will repeat what my mom says: the church is the most true in Primary. Children understand the simple truths and joy of the gospel better than we can sometimes. And I love it.

But as soon as the hooligans woke up, we were back to business. So I made them take some pictures.

I took these on Easter Sunday while my kids were still all gussied up (except for the occasional--or four--shoe). And they were not only all hopped up on chocolate, but they were feeling rather not like smiling at the camera. Right after I'd been bragging to somebody about how my kids are trained to smile at the camera.

So these are extremely adorable, except for the fact that the kids are either a) not looking at the camera at all, b) trying to escape, or c) making super goofy faces in an attempt to distract me so they can escape. Oh well. My kids are just that cute.

You know you love them.

Happy Easter!


Julia said...

Yes, we do love them, and you too.

Anonymous said...