Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So maybe I've had a rather diabolical idea...

All of you who think that you want another section of my piece, I have a proposition.
I have a poem here, that I want to workshop for my Creative Writing class. It is decent, but not good. I want to have something really good. Here's my proposition: if you want to get another section of my piece, you must comment on this poem. I won't put up a piece until I get enough comments. So HA.

The middle of nowhere
is a beautiful place,
you know.
Before one angry town starts,
after another ends,
Right in the place where all is quiet
and the ranch exit is the only thing for
miles and miles and miles and miles
of nothing.
Nothing but golden grass, prairie grass,
Sagebrush lending its sweet scent
to the Nowhere wind,
wind that rages through,
Angry enough to rip through the Earth
but finds no one to blame
and so it quiets, its angry screams
become a gentle whisper,
whispering and whistling,
Whistling where only the whistlepigs can hear
or a patch of prairie grass.

I'm staring out the car window,
watching the dust rise through
the grasses
and wondering why I must
always be on the edge
of Somewhere,
Never tucked safely into the middle
of Nowhere.


Anonymous said...

i thought you weren't in love with retiring to a quiet farm/ranch after your summer as grandma's hired hand?

Britt said...

Maybe that's not what I was talking about...

Anonymous said...

Hey chicky poo (kinda sounds gross if you think about it).

Just got back from the airshow and the boys said it would have been more fun with Brittany...

I like the ring.

Koey said...

Brittany! You are mean. I would totally workshop this poem with you...except that I don't do poetry. Sorry. I can't write it, and I certainly can't try to tell other people how they should fix theirs. So here's your workshop: your poem rocks! Now post part of your piece. So HA. ;)


Anonymous said...

I like the lawn mower poem better. Not that this one is bad. I just wanted to give as little useful advice as possible.

Goodale Family said...

(just thought I'd post a comment)