Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My pregnancy: Review at 24 weeks

Cool things about being pregnant:
  • Baby stretches (even when its up against my ribs and kinda knocks the wind out of me)
  • Making Mike jealous because he can't always feel the baby stretches or kicks when he puts his hand on my belly
  • Super-whacked-out dreams, like the one where our car suddenly decided of its own accord to turn into a hybrid . . . and hilarity and giant spaghetti noodles ensued . . .
  • Buying really cute baby clothes
  • Buying really cute baby accessories
  • Thinking about buying really cute baby furniture
  • Cool friends who want to throw me a baby shower so we can squeal and look at cute baby things without thought of responsibility
  • Thinking about the eighteen months that we couldn't be pregnant, and how those months are over
  • Thinking about January, when all the soreness and inches will turn into a delicious and wonderful cuddly baby that will love me more than anyone (and I guess Mike too)
  • Thinking about not being pregnant any more
Un-cool things about being pregnant:
  • Heartburn (this is huge)
  • Sore muscles, ligaments, and now-non-existent abs
  • Waddling up and down stairs and around campus
  • Not sleeping very much
  • How every time anyone says anything about going to the bathroom, Katie does a Jackie Chan-esque turbo-kick followed by the Ironman 3-point power-landing on my bladder
  • (All the horrific things that my body did to me during the first 5 months, about which I am not prone to think. Also the things that are starting to happen to me now that I'm 3rd trimester, also about which I choose not to think)
In all seriousness, though, this is one of the most amazing experiences of my life. During that year and a half of praying for a baby, I will admit that I didn't know, fully, how it was going to happen. But every time I say her name and she kicks me hard in the belly button, it gives me the shivers. Every time I see the little sleepers I already bought for her (with MONKEY FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I imagine her warm little body inside them and cuddling her against me, and it makes me almost physically ache for January, when I'll get to know her for real.
Maybe I'm getting a little sentimental. But seriously? There's going to be a baby here. And saying that babies aren't the most amazing thing on the planet is like saying that ice cream is an unsavory substance that causes uncomfortable feelings in the digestive system, or saying that a jet pack is a dangerous thing to own (that was for you, Mike). Babies are just . . . the whole reason I exist right now.
Sorry. I'll stop blubbering. And hint that my mom might actually get a picture of me with my pregnant belly sometime soon . . . like, after I get my hair cut tonight. Maybe. Just saying, there's potential.


momW said...

hooray!! Yippee!!

enough about pictures. I think you will be amazed at how quickly you forget completely all those things your body does to you during pregnancy. Once you get to snuggle your little angel that will be all you know. Admittedly, I didn't get vcmitous like you, but that itching thing almost broke me. But now I look at james and Sam and KNOW they are here for a reason. I remember that eager to meet the squirmy person feeling. Wondering if she will look like you or Mike, if she will have lots of hair or none, if she will be all the things you have dreamed about. (but not that weird car and spaghetti thing?!?)
I love you! I am so glad you are enjoying the moment. give that Dad-to-be a big hug from us. You two will be terrific parents. And just to let you know...Mike loves you more than Katie ever could until she has a baby. It just feels more unconditional from little ones. Sometime in January you will start to undertand how much your father and I love you and wonder at how much more your Father in Heaven loves you.

Britt said...

I actually meant that she'll love me more than she loves anyone else. I know Mike really loves me. Else how could he stand all my crankiness? :)
But I think half the reason I'm so excited is that you (mom) always used to tell me that I would never understand how much you loved me until I had a baby of my own. I think I'm starting to understand.

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

Being pregnant is such a special experience. I was in awe at the miracle of this child growing inside of me. I loved him from the moment I knew I was pregnant. I remember feeling so so so excited for Spencer to be born and to fianlly meet him. The way I saw it, it took us 2 1/2 years to get him coming and another 9 months for birth so we had been waiting to meet him for over 3 years. That last month of pregnancy was the longest month of my life. We are so excited for you guys. You are both going to be terrific parents. Baby Katy is lucky to be coming to your family.

Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the miracle of life! What a blessing to participate in it! Big Hugs and Lots of Love, Mom M
PS Thanks for sharing!!!

Aunt Jennifer said...

I'm so excited for you! I know the agony of waiting and wanting the baby, but not being able to make it happen. The Lord was holding you close during that time, and now our Father in Heaven is entrusting you with one of His children. So amazing! Oh, and guess what! I bought pink John Deere stuff -- Yea! I will sew it up soon and get it to you sometime before your darling girl is born. Love you!

Mom W said...

and where are the pictures? Katie will want to see them even if you don't share with me ( but I really wish you would!!!)