Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Top Reasons 2-month-olds Have More Fun

#1 - Gaining weight is a GOOD thing.

#2 - It is not unacceptable to grunt loudly while pooping in a public place. And then people love it when you giggle about it.

#3 - Bathing means a full-on massage. All you gotta do is lay there.

#4 - You can remain the center of attention while napping and it's not because you've got something embarrassing on your face.

#5 - Entire stores are devoted to your entertainment, and it doesn't cost as much as a TV or video games.

#6 - Swings with mobiles are AWESOME.

#7 - As a follow up to #2, it is perfectly acceptable to be naked whenever you want. Well, whenever your mommy lets you.

#8 - Responsibility doesn't exist. Rather, everyone is responsible to you.

#9 - All you have to do is squawk loudly enough and anyone will play with you.

#10 - Come on, guys, baby shoes and headbands are the cutest thing that ever happened ever. Ever.

How's that? If it weren't for chocolate and husbands and getting to be the mommy of a 2-month-old, I'd want to be one myself.

This morning Katie had her two-month well-baby appointment at the doctor. She was 11 lbs even! Holy bananas! Kid's huge! I woke her up when I got her wrapped up to take to her appointment, so she was all cranky, until I stripped her down to measure her. Naked on something that feels like her changing table? She loved it!

She was marginally less happy when the doctor started poking her and moving her legs around. But everybody was impressed with how good she was doing, especially with how well she was holding her head. Apparently she's not supposed to roll over or be able to hold things until 4 months, but today when she and Mike picked me up from class, she picked up her binky and threw it at me.

How's that for precocious?


Cynthia said...

I need to see this cutie in person soon or I am going to burst!!!!!

Mike said...

The only downside to being two months old is shots. That was not fun. :(

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the joys of being a baby...MomM