Monday, June 6, 2011

It's like rai-ee-ain on your wedding day . . .

You know the funniest part? (And I mean besides how much I truly hate the music of Alanis Morisette?) NOTHING IN THAT SONG IS ACTUALLY IRONIC. It's just inconvenient.

What is slightly ironic, however, is the last few days for us. Oh gracious.

See, there's this thing called my dear, sweet husband has a talent for getting sick any time we plan a vacation or anything fun at all. The poor thing can't help it. But, as you might expect, I do get a little bit frustrated. I mean, the first time he ever met my family was when he came up to Boise for my birthday while we were dating. And he spent the entire day in bed deathly ill. Happy birthday to me.

Want another example? So, I had mono the semester we were engaged. Pretty sure I got it from Mike because he was sick all summer and guess who I was kissin'? I got really sick during finals week before we got married, but I was miraculously better the week before the wedding. It was a beautiful day, we felt all wonderful and married and such, and we drove to Portland the next day for our honeymoon. (So we're cheapskates. So what?) And then we proceeded to spend the entirety of our honeymoon watching movies in our hotel because Mike was too sick to do anything.

Well, get ready for HOUSEGUEST HORROR STORIES! That's right, don't invite us to your house for extended periods of time, because you might end up paying for our funerals.

Remember that one time how Mike got appendicitis right after we got to my parents' house for a break? And I spent two weeks run ragged between him and Katie and all of the hulabaloo that comes with my family?

Well, this last Saturday night, we went with Mike's family (Oh! We're in Seattle now! I forgot to tell yous guys.) to see a ballroom dance show (would have been fantastic if they hadn't had the bass up so loud) and there were these old ladies sitting in front of us who smelled really bad. During intermission they went out and smoked, and came back smelling even worse. Then they proceeded to fan that nasty smoke smell back at us the whole rest of the show. Gross. I was coughing a lot.

That night, we were joking that it would serve me right to get sick on vacation after being frustrated at Mike for getting sick all the time. Oh, how naive we were.

Sunday morning when Mike's alarm went off to get up for church, I was about to die. Turns out I had a fever, the chills and shakes, and my throat was super dry. I spent the whole entire day in bed or on the couch in my pajamas. Gross.

Today my fever's gone and I can move slightly more, but I have a really bad cold and so does Katie. We're like the coughing choir. It's pretty great.

Just pray that Mike doesn't get it. And don't invite us to your house.


Sara Passey said...

So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! Wanted to let you know you don't doom everyone you stay with to get sick...Will and I are doing just fine and we're so happy you came to visit!

Crystal said...

Just to let you know that with Mike it runs in the family. If Jeff hasn't mentioned it, his little sister will tattle now.:) What are sisters for??:) Jeff had a sensitive stomach also. I remember a time just after Jeff and Megan were married and they had to travel back to Seattle from Baker, Oregon and he almost didn't go because he was so sick. It was snowing at time!! :) Nerves do that him!! :) I love my brother!! By the way, I think he's outgrown the sensitive stomach. Get better soon. Tell Jeff and Mike and Family "HI" for me!! :)

Anonymous said...

Come back any time we will take you sick or well!
Hugs, MomM