Monday, August 15, 2011

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!

First of all, let me say I'm sorry for being such a horrible person and making you wait seventeen years between blog posts. I'm a dreadful blog manager. It's just embarrassing.

Secondly, I've decided not to put up all of the pictures of my recent food adventures just yet because I've had many and this blog would quickly become not a witty--sometimes even snarky--blog about my delightful child and adventures, and become a food blog. All about cupcakes. With not words because as soon as I put up pictures of cupcakes I would decide that I needed a cupcake and go get my bakin' on in a serious way. And not write.

Maybe next time I'll do a catalog of recent cupcakes. And then ditch them on this blog forever. Or at least for a week.

Anyway, the inspiration for my title lyric is, well, Katie. The little poop has had quite the emotional week. And, dreadful as it is, I believe that it began with me. Horrible mommy that I am, I took her last Monday to get her shots. I know, I know, she's seven months old and I'm a total slacker, but now she won't get pertussis or pneumococcal meningitis or anything like that. Which is probably a good thing.

But then, she decided she was going to actually exhibit symptoms this time around. For all of her other shots, they told me the whole "she may have a slight fever and such and such and tylenol and blah blah blah call us blah blah blah." And I was like, whatevs. My baby is superwoman. So of course, she actually got kind of feverish and cranky and yelled at me when I touched her legs for the next few days. Totally blew me away.

And THEN, she stopped sleeping at all at night. Remember that one time how she stopped sleeping through the night this summer and hasn't taken more than three real naps for the last three months? Well, when she's feverish, it gets worse. I may never sleep again.

And don't let it fool you that she's on the floor behind me giggling and saying "bah bah bah da dla dla ga go go rara!" That's all totally a ruse. She's really a plotting little twerp who is secretly thinking "hehehe, what can I do now to make sure my mommy is never productive again? Buahahahaha!"

Also, this baby is never going to learn how to crawl or walk or anything if my siblings can help it. I guess that part I can wait for.

1 comment:

Aunt Jennifer said...

Sorry to hear you are having a rough week, but I am glad you are a good Mommy and got her the proper vaccinations. I always put my girls in the tub in a nice warm bath and let them soak after their shots, and after they have played in the water for a bit you can rub their legs where they got the shots and it helps make the knot go away. Love you!