Saturday, December 31, 2011

Merry Christmas, Happy Anniversity!

Well, I hope you all survived and didn't die of majorly gluttonous decisions like I almost did. It was quite the delicious holiday this year. Except that a couple of sad things happened. I'll get those out of the way first.

First, as I was attempting to fix the settings on my wee little camera, I accidentally wiped my memory card. Like, I lost all the pictures from the first day of our trip. Sad . . .

And I don't know if I saved all the pictures from the rest of December because of the second bit of sad news, which is that my computer is dying. I'm currently writing on Mike's computer. My computer is dying slow, sad, painful death, and I don't want to turn it on again until I have a hard drive or something to save all my music and pictures on just in case the thing dies suddenly in the night. *Sniff sniff*

So, electronically I've been having some grief. Literally, like mourning a death. But other that that I had a good time! We totally needed to get out of town, and it was amazing getting to spend time with Mike's whole family, even if there were 13 to the table.

We flew to Seattle Friday night before Christmas and Katie DEFINITELY loved it. She was busy the whole time trying to mess with the trays, looking out the window, and flirting with Uncle Brett behind us. It was ridiculous. Then she fell asleep as soon as we stuck her in her car seat to drive home from the airport, and didn't wake up until 7:30 the next morning.

We had a really good time not really doing anything all weekend and just playing games and relaxing and eating sugary things the neighbors dropped off. It was awesome. And it ended exactly how vacations are supposed to end: by not wanting to go home. But we did Monday night. And I can't really complain because the reason we didn't get a whole week of vacation is that Mike has a job and can support our family again. Sigh . . .

But we had a good time. We took family pictures, had a lovely relaxing Sunday morning Christmas, and played a lot of board games and word games. Also, Katie and her cousins are SO cute together. I can't even stand it.

Then, on Tuesday, we had our 3rd anniversary. Can you believe it? I can't. It's weird. We're practically OLDY WEDS. Ew. But we went to Olive Garden and actually ordered dessert and it was really fun. And Katie got to hang with her aunties and uncles. Not the Washington ones, though, because we were already home because Mike had to work. Sigh . . .

And that's about it. I'm not feeling particularly funny today. Oh! Yesterday afternoon after my eyeball appointment, my mom and I ran to the grocery store. When we went into the store, it was bright and sunshiny and I was having a hard time because my eyes were still really dilated. But when we came out, the sun was off in the distance and there was a storm front coming toward us of almost cartoon proportions! (I'm not kidding. The thing totally had a growly face on it.) It was coming faster than an airplane would and we had to run to our car so we wouldn't get hit by lightning. Other unsuspecting Albertson's customers were becoming casualties right and left! (yeah, I'm just kidding. I've probably been reading too much Calvin and Hobbes.)

Anyhow, we dashed home through pelting hail that was piling up in the gutters and almost looked like a foot of snow except it was snow that hurts. And you know what? By the time we got the groceries out of the car, it was just a light rain and the storm part had passed. Holy cow, can you say brush with death?

And now it's all sunshiny outside. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I just say we LOVED having you all come for Christmas!!! The house is TOTALLY QUIET now...everyone is gone, except Jeff who is on his last day of vacation. Sigh...I asked him to please leave the lights up until Saturday. I hate when all the lights and decorations get put away and the anticiaption is gone...back to regular old life. But lots of HAPPY MEMORIES! Three of which are Katie's smiles, Brittany's laughs and Mike's quips! Luv you bunches! Oh and soo glad you and your mom and Katie survived that ominous storm! Loved the descriptive writing! MomM