Friday, February 10, 2012

Day Eleven: 4 Degrees of AWESOME MAMA!

I am awesome. And that has nothing to do with the fact that February is International Boost Your Self-esteem Month. It's just because I'm awesome.

Note: I don't like bragging, but I really have to tell you this. It's been a VERY long time since I've felt this relaxed and happy. Here goes.

#1 - I am now a professional online blogger. I write for and And I have published articles (!!!!!!). This is a big deal for me. Want to see my first two articles? (I wrote them this week! I'm so awesome!)

Now, keep in mind that they're still kind of freelance things, and until I've written a few hundred articles, I'll be getting, like, 3 cents a month. If I'm lucky. But still! That counts as income, right? And it's residual income, meaning that they'll keep paying me ten years later if people still click on them. Sweet, huh? I hope I get the motivation to be a prolific writer one of these days.

Note: for Suite101, I can write whatever I want. Seriously. But for Examiner, I am the Boise Child Care examiner, which means I need to write about child care and about specifically Boise-ish things. So if you have any ideas about what you think I should write about, please let me know. I only have so many ideas.

#2 - I am still on my diet thing. Which I never would have believed of myself. Last Saturday (at my official weigh-in, which involves witnesses) I was down four pounds. I got to color them in on my weight loss thermometer OF SCIENCE! (You guys didn't think it was real, did you?)

I don't have my weigh-in until tomorrow, but I secretly weighed myself before breakfast yesterday, and I suspect I might get to color in three more! (Don't tell anybody just in case I don't.)

More than that, I feel good. Eating better and working out has already made me feel all healthy and I already think I look better. It's amazing. I realize it's only a couple pounds, but still. I'm on my way. I could actually do this!

#3 - My house is clean. Tomorrow we're going on a short trip and I HATE coming back to a dirty house. So today I finished the ironing, cleaned my room and Katie's, vacuumed the upstairs, ran the dishwasher, and tidied the downstairs. I even filed the pile of documents that's been spread across my dining room table for a week or something. It's amazing.

#4 - I have developed an immunity to tantrums. A couple months ago (or even last month) I would have freaked out if Katie started tantruming, and probably ended up in tears myself. Fortunately, however, I am a hardened mommy now. Unfortunately for her, however.

For example: today while I finished the ironing, Katie was just playing on the floor. A few minutes later, she started going after the already ironed shirts (which I had thought were out of her reach). She, unfortunately, is built tall and skinny like her daddy and reached them. I told her no a couple of times to see if it would work, then grabbed her and took her away from the shirts. She expressed her outrage, then went back after them.

At this point, I put her in timeout. In this case, I stuck her in her high chair (I don't have very many Katie-proof timeout spots). She was quite furious. And began to throw one of her most outrageous tantrums. I just blithely went on ironing and put everything upstairs. (She was in timeout for like a minute and a half.) I think we're better for it, don't you?

Speaking of little tantrum-pants, her new favorite snack is peanut butter and jelly. It's amazing how far she can spread one piece of bread with a bit of peanut butter and a spoonful of jelly. It's amazing.

She has also begun saying "whuzat?" over and over and over and over and over again all day long. I hope she's ingesting all the definitions I give her.

In other news, her ponytail is still only three strands of hair. She has three tufts of hair that could be long enough for a pony, but they're all on different parts of her head. What the bananas? The rest is all still just poofy. I wonder if she'll ever be able to wear a braid in her life . . .

Be excellent to each other! I might remember to put a video up next time of the sequel to "What does a cow say?" Just maybe.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your official blogging job! Hope your little get away was nice, where ever it was too! You are one brave woman to share with the world that you are on a diet. More power to you! Hugs, MomM

Anonymous said...

PS I just had to listen to the "Katie, What does a Cow say again!"

Carson said...

good for you! That's amazing that you're published now! I read them, very excellent, as expected! I'll try to click on them lots of that will get you more pennies ;)