Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sticky-note Post

First order of business:

Second order of business:

The sticky-note. Which is actually a notebook now, because I really just don't know where my sticky-notes are.

Me: Hey Katie, what do you call a cat that drinks lemonade?
Katie: Cats don't drink lemonade, silly Mommy!

Katie: Can you put this book back together? It's importment!

When I was nursing the boys, I noticed that Katie had pulled her shirt up and was holding her baby doll to her chest.
Me: Katie, what are you doing?
Katie: I'm feeding a baby on my guts!

(While I was singing Phantom of the Opera in the kitchen, admittedly with an affected operatic soprano.)
Katie: *gasp!* What was that sound?
Mike: That was Mommy singing in the kitchen.
Katie: No, the one that was like a sheep. Baaaaah!

Katie: I always ride in my seat belt!
Me: That's right, because your seat belt keeps you safe.
Katie: Right! From lions, and tigers, and bears.

Third order of business:

We're trying something new. Because many of you have been attempting to comment and not being successful, I tried to look at my settings. And the settings on blogger are lying to me. So we're going to try the moderation option, where comments come to my email first and then I approve them. Not that I'm going to censor anybody, but it's just not working and maybe that might. We'll see.

Stay tuned for more ridiculous hilarity!


Bill said...

I sure love those boys! They make the same noises I make when I re-tell that joke about "Two whales go into a bar..."

Anonymous said...

Jeff took today off. I just read him all the cute comments he laughed and laughed especially over the "like a sheep Baaa"! You make us smile! Big Hugs, MomM