Monday, March 24, 2014

Almost-Spring Shenanigans and Tomfoolery

Once upon a time, there was a slight amount of sunshine and everyone got all excited for springtime. And then it was not anymore. Blegh. The end.

You know, I was planning to write this a lot earlier in the day, but then the boys were having a hard time with their nap (on account of we are ALWAYS sick) so I didn't get the chance. And now I'm all tired and my brain disappeared, and all the thoughts I had during the day of things I should write (it was going to be very eloquent and intelligent-sounding) are gone. Alas. So you're getting the chocolate-fueled drivel that comes out of my brain after I finally get my children to bed. Sorry.

Luckily for you, I remembered to write down some pretty good Katie-isms in the last couple of weeks.

(Looking at her pansies): "Look, Mom! My panties are growing!"

(Trying to be Baby Jesus): "I disappeared in my swollen clothes!"

(While flushing the potty): "Goodbye poopie! Have fun storming the castle!"

(Upon my attempting to comb her hair): "No, Mom. Jesus wears his hair like this."

(Singing at breakfast): "Two little princesses, sitting on a speckled log, eating the most delicious dress. Yum yum!"

Aren't they great? That's my girl. She's super ridiculous. Want to know one of my favorite things, though? She's teaching her brothers to be ridiculous. For example, she likes to play "Dr. Katie," but not on her brothers, as most older siblings would. She likes to practice on me. And she employs her assistants, Nurse Joshy and Nurse Peter.

And now, even when Katie's not around, the boys will find her little Fisher Price stethoscope and blood pressure cuff and come over and start whacking me with them. Good little medical assistants.

On the flip side, they're very affectionate boys. Joshy is the king of all Momma's boys. He always wants to be holding me, rubbing his snot on my cheek, and trying to take bites of whatever sweater I happen to be wearing. He's almost gotten giant holes in some of them. But he's very sweet and loving and has a big 'ole toothy grin whenever he sees me coming.

Peter is very affectionate, but with slightly less drool and chomping (mostly because he doesn't have as many teeth). When I pick him up after his nap or when he hasn't held me in a while, he wraps his arms around my neck and gives me a big squeeze, and while Joshy's affection is usually snot-related, Peter will just climb up on my lap and press his cheek to mine.

Of course, Peter's affections also translate to his brother. Until recently, we let the boys sleep in the same bed just at night, because they like to fall asleep touching each other. Actually, they really like to cuddle. Unfortunately, however, Peter has started the process toward needing less sleep during the day, and he now takes longer to sleep at night. Which means that while Josh is ready to hunker down at bed time, Peter wants to roll over on top of his brother and smack him in the head repeatedly.

Granted, a lot of the time, it's actually a lot cuter than that. He rolls over to spoon Josh and hugs him around the waste, but apparently he hugs him too tight and Josh gets mad. Or maybe it's because he's constantly stealing Joshy's binky and smacking him with it . . .

Either way, on more than one occasion have I seen the boys snuggled up together and seen Peter with one hand on his own head, and his other hand rubbing Joshy's head.

I'm officially okay with having twins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...