Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Okay, seriously, guys.

I was searching for my friend's blog to read, and then out of curiosity, I searched my blog to see if I could find it on Google. With "majoring in genius", I searched through the first 400 results. Nothing. You know what that means? ...I'm not sure. I guess it means Google hates me.
Or not enough people read my blog. Que triste.

ps-I will leave you all on your own to read the story from now on, and only post new sections after I have received feedback on the last one. That is how it will work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have always had a hard time finding your blog and an just now getting to read your amazing, tantalizing tidbits of story. You either need to post more or hurry and get published. It is great so far.