Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April? Really? Are you serious?

I know, I know, I promised by Monday. Well, I almost kept my promise, right? It's only Wednesday! This is like record-breaking almost-honesty! Wow, I'm just so impressed with myself right now.

It seems this month has snuck up on me. I realized the other day how different my life is than last year. See, I used to count time in semesters. You know how the family is the basic unit of society? Well, to a student, a semester is the basic unit of time. Forget months, years, days, whatever. First day of class to finals week is what really matters.

I am no longer a student. I know, I need to add some kind of metaphor to my blog title to make it make sense now that I've graduated and am a (sort of) real adult. But the thing that has shaken me up the most was when I learned, last week, that my kid sister, Hannah, was coming home for the break between her semesters. WHAT?!??!!?

Yeah, the semester's over. And I didn't write anything worth grading. Time is FLYING by. And as a result, I haven't paid any attention to how long it has been since I gave you guys a good, solid picture post. Well, here it is. A few pix of March and potentially February. Plus one or two from this last conference weekend. I hope you can one day find it in your hearts to forgive me for waiting until Wednesday when I promised Monday.

We'll start from the beginning, shall we?

Valentine's Day balloons make the perfect volumizer for your hair.

Aaaaaaand, here's March. So that's where you hide the goods, eh?

I realized I didn't have any good pictures of her reading her stories, when that's what she spends 75% of every day doing. I love this one.

And here's conference weekend. Grandma won her over by giving her her most favorite food in the world: noodles. (Also known as "dittley dittley.")

Presenting: the world's smallest farmhand! Only 18 pounds!

Feeding grain to the chickens was only moderately frightening--after all, some of them are bigger than she is.

Did I do okay? You may notice that neither of her parents are ever in any pictures. This is because a) I'm usually behind the camera because Mike doesn't think of silly things like pictures and posterity and whatever, and b) I know that I am not comfortable with my picture being taken (despite the fact that I colored off my tenth pound lost this weekend! YAY!) Mike I cannot account for. He's just never doing things as cute as Katie. If he remembered to smile I might take his picture. Seriously.

To sum up: we've had a crazy couple of months, which have seemed to fly by. Is it really April? For real? That's nuts. Conference was delightful, though. Mike's and my favorite quote: "Heavenly Father did not put us on this earth to fail, but to succeed gloriously." Elder Richard G. Scott. In fact, I designed a wall quote to hang in my kitchen. What's your favorite?


Sarah Lita said...

Your writing and your baby make for such great entertainment!!!I just love you guys.

Anonymous said...

How do you spell adorable...KATIE!!!
thanks for sharing!
Luv MomM

Anonymous said...

Had to look at these pictures to get another "Katie Fix"! ;-)