Thursday, July 31, 2008

No, I don't quite have the next part of my piece ready

But I have something that will help stall for time. I'll have it tomorrow, I promise.
I recently received one of these forwards from my mother and got kind of bored, so I filled it out. Once you've read mine, you can post your version in my comments if you want, so we can all compare. Kind of interesting...

*A is for age.
I'm totally 19. And I just heard that women hit their prime at about 18, so it's downhill from here.
*B is for burger of choice.*
If I must have a burger, it must be the biggest, fattiest patty you've got, with all the typical lettuce, cheese, tomato, ketchup, a little onion, etc. But I usually don't choose burgers :) Salad! Woo!
*C is for what car you drive.*
I totally drive the old '91 Honda. Stick shift, cracked windshield, fabric peeling off the doors, DADDY license plates, it's AWESOME.
*D is for Dog's name*.
Does a little brother named Sammy count? :P No, I don't have a dog. I don't like dogs. Dogs are gross. If I had a dog, I would name it Captain Poops-a-lot.
*E is for essential item you use every day.*
Big rubber chore boots! Woohoo! Yeah for being the farm hand! Other than that? How 'bout a toothbrush? My GLASSES? Ooh, that's a good one. I can't see without those :)
*F is for favorite tv show at the moment.*
Recently, I've kind of been big into watching old Wishbone episodes. They're so amazing. Oh! And Hannah and I watched this episode of this new show called "I Survived a Japanese Game Show". Can you say ridiculous? It was so funny!
*G is for favorite game*.
Hmmm...I have lots. Top favorites: Curses, Balderdash, Uno, Sorry, anything I can play with people I love and have a fabulous time!
*H is for Hometown.*
Boise, Idaho! woo! I know, I know, ten years ago I hated this place like crazy, but now I don't want to be connected with Utah in any way...don't tell anybody...:)
*I is for instruments you play*
Piano, Cello, Guitar (un peu :), Fife, Parkerphone, tissue-box banjos count? And of course I sing like crazy, all the time. Seriously.
*J is for favorite juice.*
Kind of big into grape, strawberry lemonade, and orange guava passion fruit. It's yummy.
*K is for who you'd like to kiss.*
Mmmmmm, Mike. ;) Or any fat baby cheeks. Or my dad's whiskery ones.
*L is for last restaurant you ate at.* comment? Probably IHOP on vacation. Maybe. I don't remember.
*M is for your favorite Muppet*.
I'm a serious Gonzo fan. Really. He's AWESOME. I've also always been kind of big into Kermit the Frog.
*N is for number of piercings.*
One pair in my ears! Yay for following the prophet!
*O is for overnight hospital stays.*
Um, maybe when I was BORN. Seriously. Nothing has EVER happened to me.
*P is for people you were with today.*
Okay, let's go in chronological order. Hannah, Mom, James (he was the zombie i had breakfast with, right?), Gram, Papa, the driveway paver guys (there were two of them) Aunt Annie, Alec, Trevor, Parker, Hannah, Sarah, Sam, Emma, Zach, Dad. And I talked to Mike for a long time on the phone. Does that count?
*Q is for what you do with your quiet time.*
I usually wish I were sleeping...but I'm usually either reading, playing the piano, or talking to Mike. Most often the last one. Side effect of being TOTALLY in love with him.
*R is for biggest regret*.
Hmmmm, I really don't have any big ones. That I had been more active when I was younger. You know, when I was a kid, I wanted more than anything to be a ballerina, but always thought it was too expensive. Now I'm a writer and musician. I would say that was my regret, but i love my life now. If i had been a dancer, I would be a different person, and that wouldn't be as much fun.
*S is for status.*
SO dating the most amazing guy in the entire world, Mike Morgan. <3
*T is for time you woke up today.*
Ugh. Never. My alarm went off at 6:45, but I think I didn't actually wake up until I took a shower at 4 in the afternoon after work. Gram kept telling me to take a nap while we were cleaning out the barn floor.
*U is for something unique.*
How many of you are farm hands, and own your VERY OWN pair of black rubber chore boots? And don't get weirded out at all when Gram comes around the barn holding two headless roosters upside down and asks you to get the "guts bucket" for her? I didn't think so. Yep, that's my life.
*V is for vegetable you love.*
Tomatoes!!!! Yummy yummy! I love tomatoes. Ask anyone. I also love any home grown vegetables, like fresh peas and carrots and cucumbers, and I'm becoming more accustomed to eating zucchini (that might be because it NEVER ENDS).
*W is for worst habit.*
I think it's my ADD. I'm never focused long enough to clean my room before I'm moving on. (No, I don't really have ADD, but that's what it feels like)
*X is for number of x-rays you've had.*
Dental scans all the time, and I think I had one of my arm once, but I don't remember what it was for. Something weird happened to it? Maybe? I've never broken anything.
*Y is for yummy food you ate today.*
I had some spinach ravioli with marinara sauce, and then had chicken cordon bleu with my dad for dinner. Mmmm, yummy.
*Z is for zodiac sign.*
Cancer. Kinda figures, eh?

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