Monday, October 13, 2008

How To get a Student Family Apartment through BYU...

1:50-Arrive at campus. Make determined noises with your teeth and practice flexing your clicking finger.

2:50-leave English 293 (in the math building...? It's totally weirding me out. There are all these people with enormous calculators in there... blegh.) and proceed to Library

2:53-Arrive at library. Locate fiance and commence search for available computers

3:05-Finally locate two available computers. Log in and commence watching baseball play-by-play while staking out the computers (this is important)

3:20-Make some impatient noises and then check the scores again--commence sobbing uncontrollably

3:40-Wipe tears. Begin logging into Housing Account and clicking on "Student Family Agreement". Close page and otherwise distract yourself. Repeat.

3:50-Log into Housing for final time. Set filter for 1-bedroom apts only. Practice refreshing the page as quickly as possible while making whip-like sound effects.

3:58-Close all other windows and stare fervently at the screen.

3:59-Begin to hover over refresh key on keyboard and place mouse cursor over spot where apartment will appear. Wait for 50 more seconds.

4:00-Click as fast as possible on the first apartment available. Continue to agreement.

4:00 1/2-Do a celebratory dance in your swivel chairs and high-five.

4:01-Allow your already-late fiance to zip off to work while you fill out the first part of the contract, INCLUDING reading that lovely pamphlet about lead in the home. Yeah, I had to do it.

4:09-Finish, log out, go downstairs and say hello to fiance at the desk before heading outside with car keys.

4:10-Wander casually back to the desk when you realize that you don't actually know where he parked the car.

4:11-Act completely nonchalant as you head out of the library AGAIN and begin the trek to the belltower.

4:14-Move the driver's seat up at least 2 1/2 feet to where you can reach the pedals. You may now drive home.

Yes, this was my day. And we TOTALLY have an apartment to live in next winter. It opens December we need to figure out what we're going to do with our stuff until we get back from the break...and our honeymoon...and whatnot. :)
Yeah, I know it's crazy. That's life...and apartment searching...and I guess Mike and I really are just crazy :)

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