Monday, April 20, 2009

Once upon a time...

There was a sweet, innocent, totally well-intentioned young girl in a married ward, who happened to have taken many years of piano lessons. Because of this, the kind-hearted bishop thought she would also want to learn to play the organ. This was a very controversial bet to take.
But she was whole-hearted into accepting callings, so she learned to play the organ.
And switching into present-day reality, yesterday was the first day that she played all the hymns in sacrament meeting, with the pedals, all by herself. "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go," "Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love," and "The Time is Far Spent." Not too horrible.
It was very traumatic. She messed up a lot. But all the people in her ward--whom she knew were all musically inclined and probably were wincing at her every key stroke--encouraged and applauded her for massacring the hymns. Except they said she did a good job. She just thinks she massacred them.
But then she went home and made tuna-noodle casserole for her husband, played the cello for a while, and then went to work at 8 the next morning, and it was all better.
The end.


Aunt Jennifer said...

Good for you, honey! I know the Lord loves for us to try to magnify our talents and as you continue you will be blessed for your obedience (and yes, you will also improve). Love you!

Mom said...

Silly girl. There is no way I can believe that you massacred any music!! What would Mike tell me if I ask him?