Friday, May 29, 2009

My Madeline shirt got hit on today. And it was funny.

It was the guy at the Sugar and Spice when we were getting some yummy mint brownies after lunch. I was wearing my amazing Madeline shirt, the one where she's saying "Oh la la!" Well, he said, "that's an amazing shirt." and I was like, "yeah, I like it." Then he was like, "if you weren't already married to him, " (pointing to Mike) "then I would propose right here right now." I was like, um, well, sorry, etc. then Mike was like "that's the shirt she was wearing when I did propose!" and the cahier guy was like "no way!" and then the other girl gave us our brownies, and the guy was like "do you have any sisters that you could, like, give that shirt to?" and I was like "yeah, but the oldest one's only 16" and he was like "I can wait." It was kind of funny.
Anyways, I need some ideas. I have to do my adaptation project like this week. It's due mighty soon. Gross, huh?
I'm really sunburned. Even my french teacher commented on it and asked me if I had some aloe vera. I do, by the way. It's in the fridge. But I'm still like a walking skin cancer target.


The Ransoms said...

BRITT!! You could have said yes I have sisters been better yet I have on old roommate who is single and who attends BYU :) GOSH~~~

Britt said...

This is my official public apology for you, Heathen, as I should have set you up on a date with the weird guy from Sugar 'n' Spice so you could walk to 300 S for a tiny Thai restaurant where he'd tell you about his experience with Dungeons and Dragons and play footsie with you and then take you to a concert where he could sweat through his Hawaiian shirt and dance like a Richard Simmons video. I'm sorry. :)

Mom said...

what ideas do you have for your project so far? do you have to make a video?

The Ransoms said...

Apology accepted....and you forgot the part about the book that he would be writing.